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Posted: 10 Feb 2010, 09:52
by smeee
CONASTA is the Conference of Australian Science Teachers Association, held every year in a different state capital.
This year it is being held in Sydney 4-7 July at UTS - Sydney
There will be workshops for Labbies on Mon 5th and Tues 6th July.
If your school has a faculty membership of its state STA then you are deemd to be a member of your STA and benefit at members rate.
To register or find out more about the conference further details can be found at

Register now for Earlybird rate....payment not due until closer to the event.

The website will be updated as workshops are finalised.

Interstate and international labbies are most welcome, and those of you who have attended previous CONASTA's can vouch for the great learning opportunities.

Some of the presenters from the St Marys conference will be presenting workshops at CONASTA so if you missed out, come along in July.

Look forward to seeing you there


Posted: 10 Feb 2010, 11:12
by dolphinscales
i really wish i could go tho this - i have only attended a few of these but have enjoyed every one of them.


Posted: 10 Feb 2010, 12:29
by Narelle01
Have forwarded the link to our head teacher.

Thanks for sharing.....


Posted: 10 Feb 2010, 14:03
by sammy
Dolphinscales ,

Just out of couriosity did your school pay for you to attend ?


Posted: 10 Feb 2010, 17:42
by dolphinscales
both schools did - when i was in QLD the school paid for it but that year the labbie pd that QUEST organised was at the conasta event instead of a seperate event again.

In WA i bluffed my way in as it does not come to town all that often here - lol.

In both cases the schools paid for it when it was in the state i was in at the time.

I wish i could attend this year but they school will not pay for me to fly /stay in NSW to do PD when it is provided here in our own state.

i know any one who goes will get heaps out of it


Posted: 01 Mar 2010, 07:51
by smeee
Just a reminder about CONASTA 59 4-7 July 2010

Details at

Register now for earlybird rate...payment due closer to conference

Please pass information on to your network groups.

Interstate and overseas labbies most welcome. Its an opportunity to network, increase knowledge and have an extended holiday in Sydney.