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Removing permanent texta from smartboards?

Posted: 18 Feb 2010, 08:57
by Ocean Breeze

Anyone know how to restore the touchscreen to pristine white?


Re: Removing permanent texta from smartboards?

Posted: 18 Feb 2010, 09:13
by cheltie
One of our cleaners wrote "Please put up Chairs" in huge writing on our smart board. I tried using the whiteboard cleaning solution we had on a small bit in the corner and it worked. It is called NEW LIFE whiteboard cleaning solution. Maybe you could try it on a little bit first as the boards may all be different.
Good luck.

Re: Removing permanent texta from smartboards?

Posted: 18 Feb 2010, 11:53
by trish armstrong
Its a smart idea to make up signs and stick right next to the interactive whiteboard not to use ANY TYPE of ink pens.
I did this and haven't had a problem since, the casuals used to use whiteboard markers on them on accidental occasions but haven't had the problem since the signs appeared.
Trish :clap3:

Re: Removing permanent texta from smartboards?

Posted: 18 Feb 2010, 12:06
by sunray18
One of the teachers tried writing over it with the correct pens and wiping at the same time.. worked for him

Re: Removing permanent texta from smartboards?

Posted: 18 Feb 2010, 13:44
by Rowyrow
MAybe we have different ones but our double as whit boards, well they get used as white boards. come to think of it the teacher do always compain that they are hard to clean :?

Re: Removing permanent texta from smartboards?

Posted: 18 Feb 2010, 15:39
by Lyn
Our teachers wanted smartboards and got them. Then they found that they also needed whiteboards because you couldn't use the smartboard as a whiteboard. :roll: :roll: So we now have smartboards and whiteboards on wheels for chemistry and biology, very small whiteboards (made to fit the space) on the wall next to the smartboards in the junior labs. I managed to get a large pinboard moved from a junior lab to the physics lab (where I really needed a pinboard) and recycled a large whiteboard to fill the empty space at the back of the junior lab. It now doubles as a poster display board. The physics teachers also required a large whiteboard so we kept one of the senior science whiteboards,a fairly new one which was earmarked for another area until I got some help to shift it from the biology lab and hid it in the physics area. Then got maintenance to put it on the wall next to the smartboard in the physics lab. Whiteboards are also useful if there are power blackouts or glitches in the computer system and everything stops functioning.
P.S. Sorry can't suggest anything for the texta problem.

Re: Removing permanent texta from smartboards?

Posted: 18 Feb 2010, 21:51
by vlclabbie
Ours are "Teamboards" & our teachers have found that Windex is good - doesn't leave smudges either....

Hope it helps! :thumbup:

Re: Removing permanent texta from smartboards?

Posted: 19 Feb 2010, 07:49
by Ocean Breeze
Thanks guys for all the info and all the suggestions.
Very, very helpful

I am using everyones input to make up a "user manual" to keep next to the board.
Also big warning signs!

Re: Removing permanent texta from smartboards?

Posted: 19 Feb 2010, 10:26
by trish armstrong
forgot to tell you to try fly spray, that is what I use on the normal whiteboards but have never tried it on the interactive boards
Trish :D

Re: Removing permanent texta from smartboards?

Posted: 19 Feb 2010, 10:37
by dolphinscales
fly spray - really wow would have thought that would actaully damage the white boards - will keep it mind for the future

Re: Removing permanent texta from smartboards?

Posted: 19 Feb 2010, 11:38
by rae
Eucalyptus Oil?? Lemon Essence?? Nicer smell than fly spray

Re: Removing permanent texta from smartboards?

Posted: 10 Aug 2010, 07:51
by sampjm
I realise that this ia a very old post but I was told by the rep regarding our activ board (interavtive/smart style)to use windex only.

Re: Removing permanent texta from smartboards?

Posted: 10 Aug 2010, 13:39
by smiley
KFC finger-wipe bizzos are also good in a pinch. Learned this from being elsewhere, in a different capacity, and someone wrote on the smartboard.

White Boards

Posted: 24 May 2011, 09:59
by Ocker
Does anyone know how to restore the finish on white boards?
The boards were cleaned with Metho and it has destroyed the finish!

Re: White Boards

Posted: 24 May 2011, 10:18
by Loopy
Some teachers here use kero to clean white boards. It must work because they come back for more! Perhaps a wipe over with kero will put a light film back on the white board?

Re: White Boards

Posted: 24 May 2011, 13:36
by sunray18
I used to buy whiteboard cleaner from officeworks, which did a great job.
The cleaner here uses water..

Re: White Boards

Posted: 24 May 2011, 14:11
by lurra
I also use Whiteboard cleaner it works well :thumbup:

Re: White Boards

Posted: 24 May 2011, 15:02
by Ocker
I have the white board cleaner as well but someone used a permanent marker on board, I used metho to remove and it took some finish off the board I want to replace the finish maybe car polish etc
I know now if they use permanent marker again, rub over with whiteboard marker and remove straight away, the white board marker thinners dissolves the permanent marker

Re: White Boards

Posted: 25 May 2011, 09:30
by sunray18
I have looked for a solution for you - ONE suggestion is to use WD-40

Spray the board with WD-40. After spraying the board let it soak in and let it sit for a couple of minutes. After, you can wipe it away with a paper towel. The WD-40 will fill in the pores of the whiteboard. This will make it easier to erase. This will restore your whiteboard and make it much easier to use.

Another suggestion was to paint it with MB4000W Whiteboard Repair Coating

hope that helps a little

Re: White Boards

Posted: 25 May 2011, 09:32
by sunray18
just found another idea - at IDEAPAINTS
You can use this paint to make a whiteboard out of any surface.. what a great idea!