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How do you divide the jobs

Posted: 25 May 2010, 11:48
by Narelle01
I am going for a job where there will be 2 lab assistants. I am preparing for an interview, and am thinking one of the Q's might be how would you work together with the other Lab assistant...
so if you have 2 labby's - how do you divide the days, classes, years or teachers?

I am open for your thoughts!
Thanks everyone!

Re: How do you divide the jobs

Posted: 25 May 2010, 12:01
by lada
I worked with another lab assistant until last year.
We have 4 labs on two levels, first floor has junior science and Bio, second has Phy, Chem and some junior science.
I used to work longer hrs and work mainly upstairs. He had the first floor.
We used to combine resources, so if I had prac ready for juniors, and his were ready to do it as well, we shared the bins.
I cleaned up upstairs, he did downstairs. I used to clean microscopes , he used to fix Phy equipment etc. It work really well/
For large practicals we shared the load. I was better in Chem and Phy, he liked Bio, so it was easy decission who is doing what.

I miss his help. He is now teaching full time.

Lada :coffee:

Re: How do you divide the jobs

Posted: 25 May 2010, 13:01
by fibreweb
Once upon a time, many years ago. (About 6)
There were 2 lab assistants here doing the same work I now do totally on my own. :cry2:

We sort of shared the work. We have labs in 3 areas.
Joy (who was not joyous at al!!) looked after the cleaning and restocking of one and I had the other 2.

When it came to orders we collected them from the order tray in the morning and then in the order of priority (today tomorrow etc) picked one, collected the equipment and took it to the appropriate prep room. IT was the responsibility of the person making up the order to take it too the prep room. Somehow I always ended up with the ones to the room 450 metres away :w00t:

This method had it's drawbacks as you would look for something in the store room only to find the other person had already taken it. I would also notice that Joy had put the wrong things in a tray like drawing compasses when the iron filings also on the order would suggest directional compasses. This created a dilema, should I just change it or wait until the teacher comes wanting the correct item, thinking it was me who stuffed up.

It is difficult to work out who should do what, It was tricky sharing the work as there were some things that got totally missed as we both though the other had done them and others that were done twice. Joy was a neat freak whilst I am naturally rather messy, leaving sliding doors open etc. I left thing to drain after washing whilst she liked to dry them up!!!
I think somewhat set areas for each of you may work better.

When I job shared at a different school we had a book we would each leave messages in at the end of each day saying where we were up to with something.


Re: How do you divide the jobs

Posted: 25 May 2010, 13:32
by Ocker
As long as it's done MY WAY, there's not a problem!

Re: How do you divide the jobs

Posted: 26 May 2010, 16:44
by Ocean Breeze
It really is a management decision for the head Of Dept.

In reality however, it should be discussed in terms of equity in the horrid tasks, go with strengths/talents in other things. I think in practice it will all work out naturally after discussions and a full weekly timetable cycle.


Re: How do you divide the jobs

Posted: 27 May 2010, 07:31
by noona
Narelle I think that the other labbie is only part time so it is like having a helper just not all the time .
So if you get the job just go with the flow you will find your feet very fast and do what is needed to be done.
It is great having someone to work with you will love it

Re: How do you divide the jobs

Posted: 27 May 2010, 08:09
by Narelle01
Thank you all for your feedback - now to get an application in, an interview, and GET THE JOB!!!!!

Re: How do you divide the jobs

Posted: 27 May 2010, 10:14
by Labbie
Good luck to you, wishing you all the very best.