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Computer access and melt-downs

Posted: 03 Aug 2010, 14:40
by sunray18
I had finally finished doing the Chemical Stocktake and had entered everything into my Excel records. With a sigh of relief I saved it, through my paper copy out and went to lunch. :clap3:
The school's intranet melted down over lunch time and admin staff were in a panic over work that had disappeared from their files..
I felt smug as I had SAVED all my work.... no problems for me!!!!! :coffee:

UNTIL - I thought I would just check out that my work was still ok. :beg:

YEP - you have all guessed the punch-line haven't you....

Stocktake file is completely missing - AND the cleaner had gone through and emptied all the bins into the great big smelly one ....

NO - I am NOT climbing into that one to sift through food scraps to find my paper copy....

Re: Computer access and melt-downs

Posted: 03 Aug 2010, 15:16
by dime
I guess it pays to have a hard copy afterall. Bad luck. Sometimes files can be retrieved by experts, call your computer whiz within the school, and ask them to look for the file. Happened to me years ago the dear computer whiz got it for me, although I couldn't access it.

Re: Computer access and melt-downs

Posted: 03 Aug 2010, 15:34
by Voice
I was thinking the same thing myself today as I could not get onto the school's intranet or internet. IThe rest of the school was fine but not my little room.
My concern was my 'hazard substances, etc.... register'.
Since the IT guy has fixed the problem I have saved, saved and saved some more in various little places.
Good Luck

Re: Computer access and melt-downs

Posted: 04 Aug 2010, 07:12
by noona
I caused a melt down of the emails (DEPTones)
I had made a thread on this site about a job going at Model Farms and got an email back with a CV. :mail:
So silly me opened it and 5000 people lost there email could not get into them or anything. :redcard:
Rang up the help line to find this out. :cry2:
Anyway in the end after a long talk with the man on the other end I will never open things that I am not sure about again.

Re: Computer access and melt-downs

Posted: 04 Aug 2010, 08:06
by Narelle01
I know its great to have 20/20 in hindsight...but i always save a copy of stuff like that to my USB. I guess its like having a copy of inportant docs in a fire prrof box....
The memory on them is pretty big, so i carry it with me, so no little surprises....

:console: sorry to hear all that work was lost though.

Re: Computer access and melt-downs

Posted: 04 Aug 2010, 09:16
by Labbie
If I have put a lot of time or effort into some thing. I often email to my house computer. That way I have a copy off the school ground, in case of fire etc etc. My solutions, chemical register, etc I email home.

Re: Computer access and melt-downs

Posted: 04 Aug 2010, 11:35
by sunray18
Thank you all.. a USb sounds like a great idea!

Re: Computer access and melt-downs

Posted: 05 Aug 2010, 09:39
by Rowyrow
I keep three copies of everthing one on usb, one on my computers hard drive and one on my drive of the schools network thingie, is a pain remembering to update them all and as yet i have not had to use any backups!

Re: Computer access and melt-downs

Posted: 05 Aug 2010, 14:41
by Vicki L
I use the USB trick too. It lives in my bag, so if anything happens at school I have a copy. :clap3: