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Sublimation of Iodine

Posted: 01 Apr 2011, 08:01
by linotas
Are we still able to do this? A couple of the teachers have requested it but my HOS has said she thinks that we are not allowed to anymore.
Of course its fallen to me to find out..... 8-)

Re: Sublimation of Iodine

Posted: 01 Apr 2011, 08:12
by RosalieM
We still do it. Just 2 or 3 crystals in a gas jar with the lid on. Then to the fume cupboard we go!

Re: Sublimation of Iodine

Posted: 01 Apr 2011, 08:40
by lurra
We still do it also in the fume cupboard
lurra aka noona

Re: Sublimation of Iodine

Posted: 01 Apr 2011, 08:50
by linotas
Thanks, thats how we were going to do it. How do you dispose of the iodine after use? This is one of my weak areas now I'm not in a medical lab where we paid someone to take everything away for us :cheesy: MSDS's are no use as they all so "according to local regs blah blah blah" which I dont know and cannot find.

Re: Sublimation of Iodine

Posted: 01 Apr 2011, 10:11
by me
I put sodium thiosulfate on the iodine and mix until there is no brown colour left then dispose of to sewer.

Re: Sublimation of Iodine

Posted: 01 Apr 2011, 11:04
by Rowyrow
Could always add some ethanol or potassium iodide and store it as iodine solution? waste not want not! :D

Re: Sublimation of Iodine

Posted: 01 Apr 2011, 14:37
by smiley
I have a sealed flask which I use as my "Demo" for sublimation of Iodine, and I don't let the cherubs do it themselves.