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updating msds

Posted: 27 Apr 2011, 12:58
by ktrezise
Hey there,

I am due to update many msds before mondays audit visit.
Any suggestions on the best website to do this fast and efficiently??
I use to use chemwatch and was great but it doesn't seem to give me any info anymore and looks to have a different format. Do we have to pay for it now?
ope you can help.
katie :popcorn:

Re: updating msds

Posted: 27 Apr 2011, 14:25
by RosalieM
yeah, good luck with that! I've only ever used Chemwatch. Sorry I'm not much help...

Re: updating msds

Posted: 27 Apr 2011, 15:21
by jat
Hi katie

I get most of my MSDS from the Chem Supply web site at


Re: updating msds

Posted: 27 Apr 2011, 15:35
by merilyn
All suppliers of chemicals must provide a copy of the msds, so you could try each company's website. If they are no longer in business you can use an equivalent msds from a different supplier.
A msds is only good for five years from its issue date, so check the dates on the ones you have first, they may be within time.
Good luck getting ready for the audit.

Re: updating msds

Posted: 28 Apr 2011, 08:25
by ktrezise
Thanks for the advice everyone.

Re: updating msds

Posted: 28 Apr 2011, 09:07
by lizzieb
Katie, I've been doing a lot of that lately also - try googling them.

Re: updating msds

Posted: 28 Apr 2011, 12:01
by Jazz

Re: updating msds

Posted: 28 Apr 2011, 12:04
by RosalieM
Oh Wow. That's so much easier than searching chemwatch!

Re: updating msds

Posted: 28 Apr 2011, 12:48
by ktrezise

Re: updating msds

Posted: 28 Apr 2011, 13:30
by lizzieb
Many thanks, Jazz - that's brilliant!

Re: updating msds

Posted: 28 Apr 2011, 14:24
by rae
It concerns me that these MSDS are actually from USA. Shouldn't we use Australian ones. I'm sure our regulations would be different from theirs.

Re: updating msds

Posted: 29 Apr 2011, 09:24
by Labbie
I stay with chemwatch, for that very reason. It a job I do not like, but do once a year. When we were first trained in the CSIS & MSDS, that was when chem watch was given to us to use.

Re: updating msds

Posted: 29 Apr 2011, 10:05
by macca
I'm with you labbie, in the middle of stocktake at the moment should have done last term. One DG Class at a time, stocktake, adjust and print MSDS straight from the manifest.

Talk about mind over matter, I've gone home itching the last two days just the thought I think of being in a confined space with all those chemicals. Not to mention cleaning up all the dust the ventilation system has sucked in. :crazy:

Have a good weekend everyone.

Re: updating msds

Posted: 29 Apr 2011, 10:35
by Linda26
I am in the process of doing the same thing. Also try www.msdsonline/

good luck
Linda :crazy:

Re: updating msds

Posted: 29 Apr 2011, 11:53
by lizzieb
Thanks, Linda.

I am collecting all these sites as I navigate the maze of MSDS for the wide variety of chemicals used across this working farm/dairy/studs/ag boarding school. There are many chemicals that are not on Chemwatch. I google to find some, providing the faculty/area has given me enough correct details! Otherwise, I resort to generic ones, if available, or substitute (with an explanatory note).

I am most interested to hear all the comments on this topic, as I have been asked to continue doing one day/week exclusively on this for the OHS committee as we work through the OHS audit requirements.

There seem to be many grey areas, especially for those of us in DET schools, so I have made it known that I will be asking many difficult questions and searching for someone in the department to mentor me through this process. After all, how many of us are lucky enough to be given a whole day every week to work on this? I hope to learn as much as I can along the way.

Please pass on any hints, ideas or questions - for now at least I'll try to collate them and be ready when the time comes.

Re: updating msds

Posted: 29 Apr 2011, 11:56
by RosalieM
WOW Liz!! You mean you actually have time to get your head around all of this stuff???

Re: updating msds

Posted: 29 Apr 2011, 12:23
by Labbie
Good on you Liz, Their are so many grey areas, some say 5 years and you need a new MSDS. I was trained that if the issue date is different to the one you have, newer, then print out the new MSDS. This web site has really opened up things like MSDS,

Some say No need for paper MSDS, others say yes, just wish we could get in all in writting. I go for the old paper, as I was trained.

Have a great week end.

Re: updating msds

Posted: 04 May 2011, 12:04
by lizzieb
Thanks, Sue. As for getting my head around it all, Rosalie ..... :crazy: :w00t: 8O

I talked again at length to someone from Regional Office on Monday, saying 'Having been given this rare time and opportunity, I've just got to make the most of it to learn as much as possible, so that it can be passed on for everyone's benefit" - then panicked afterwards thinking What on earth have I got myself into! and Can I do this?

So after much thinking, and some time attempting to correlate past posts to show and discuss with those in the Dept. (whom I hope will mentor me through this process), I’ve realised it might be much easier to ask you all for help, PLEASE!

If you are NSW DET and have, or have in the past, had questions relating to chemical safety, MSDS, stocktake, labelling, codes, etc. would you be so kind as to post them for me, please. However, even if you are not from NSW, or at a Govt school, post anyway. Just remember, I’m not guaranteeing we’ll get answers - I am simply determined to use this opportunity while it’s timely!

My part in the process is solely the chemical storage, but perhaps as this is so topical, it might be worth thinking about creating another stream to list other OHS questions - so that we are ready when the opportunity arises to ask them, too.

I will also use this same post again to create a new topic. If you come up with a better heading/topic title, we can change it.

Many thanks in advance for your help and support, everyone.