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Chemical Register

Posted: 12 Aug 2011, 14:13
by kmk
Hi everybody,
I am trying to complete a Chemical Register for our whole school. At the moment, I am using Chemffx. I am finding it a bit difficult and not at all user friendly. Could you please let me know how you do your register and the system you use.

Looking forward to hearing from you
Thank you

Re: Chemical Register

Posted: 12 Aug 2011, 14:37
by fibreweb
I have my Chemical Stocktake on an Exel Spreadsheet.

There is a separate Sheet for the various faculties such as TAS, Science, Ag and GA shed.

The fields are Chemical, Classification, User Group, Location-there are four locations in Science and I have recorded in each the number of bottles of each chemical in that location, Total number of bottles for all locations, Volume- this is an estimate of the total volume of the chemical adding all the bottles, Sighted- the date I did the last stocktake and MSDS- this records the date of issue of the MSDS so I can keep track of whenI need new ones.

I like this method of keeping the stocktake as I can easily just rearrange the sorting and get a list in alphabetical order, or DG classifications or the date that MSDS need renewing. This is what I have done for the last 10 years with no complaints.


Re: Chemical Register

Posted: 12 Aug 2011, 14:46
by ana.santos
If your school is registered to Chemwatch, you can do your Chemstore manifest from there. It's good because you can update and save data.


Re: Chemical Register

Posted: 12 Aug 2011, 15:05
by nickyw
Heres a copy of the one I use here, I stole it off another labby :wink2: but I'm happy to share it around 8-[

Re: Chemical Register

Posted: 15 Aug 2011, 07:55
by Labbie
Dear KMK please do a search for chemical register, as their are quite a few threads on this subject.

Top right hand side of screen FAQ, Search, etc. I can not merge all these posts just to many of them. There is some really great reading on the subject.

Re: Chemical Register

Posted: 16 Aug 2011, 16:13
by merilyn
Hi kmk
Our manifest is also on Chemffx. Yes it is difficult and not user friendly but it is what I have inherited and seems easier than starting something from scratch. I think I still have contact details for someone at Chemwatch who was very helpful. PM me if you need this information.

Re: Chemical Register

Posted: 16 Aug 2011, 19:40
by Ian
As a private school, we use the Denbigh Admin Data Base package which has a Chemical Stocktake function. I use that. I have tried to set up a manifest using ChemFX, as it seems like it might have several advantages, but have never managed to get it to work. We are a Mac based school, and the ChemGold people tell me that ChemFX is not really designed to work on Macs (although the MSDS function and labels, etc seems to work OK)

Are there any Mac based schools out there who have been successful in getting a ChemFX Manifest working on a Mac?

Ian :-(

Re: Chemical Register

Posted: 17 Aug 2011, 09:15
by merilyn
Oh Ian, come to the dark side and give Bill Gates even more money! As you know we have PCs, not that that makes Chemwatch any easier, but I suppose in theory it does work (except for computer challenged people like myself).

Re: Chemical Register

Posted: 17 Aug 2011, 11:32
by Ian
I have been resisting Microsoft and its evil hoards since 1984. I could not possible surrender to them now! Besides, on last count, Apple Computer Corporation has actually outstripped Microsoft Corporation in terms of companies net worth. Apple continues to rise. Microsoft continues to slowly fall. You need to catch up and desert your sinking ship and come and join us in the new and exciting "Maxi yacht" which is Apple!!


Ian :D

Re: Chemical Register

Posted: 18 Aug 2011, 10:11
by merilyn
It's funny, all those people who thought they were being "different" by buying Apple Macs etc, now they have just become one of the hordes! I'm going to stand out and be different and stick with Windows (and save a whole lot of money too!) :wink:

Re: Chemical Register

Posted: 18 Aug 2011, 14:31
by kmk
Hi everybody,
A very big "thank you" to all who replied to my questions concerning the "Chemical Register"
You have all been extremly helpful and I now have a few ideas to think about.
Many thanks once again