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Biology models

Posted: 13 Oct 2011, 08:27
by Rita
A teacher has requested for our wish list to include:
cat, dog, possum and pig skulls
primarily to observe means of eating.

I have found jaws for feline and canine (Mentone Educational Centre) but unable to track the possum and pig ones.

These are for showing difference between carnivore, herbivore etc. as per curriculum.

Does anyone have the possum or pig or know where I might look?

Do teachers use the internet or books for these?

Thanks in advance

Re: Biology models

Posted: 13 Oct 2011, 08:56
by Lis
Hi Rita,
The only skull we have here is a pig, which I found in a tree actually, lol. We had quite a few feral pigs near where I live and they were hunted/baited, and gotten rid of, so someone put a skull in a tree, for me :thumbup: . It was really revolting :yuck: , mossy/mouldy and had ants living in it, took a while to clean it up, but I would like to get a few more too. Sorry I havent been much help

Re: Biology models

Posted: 13 Oct 2011, 12:50
by fibreweb
Our teachers essentially use the internet, especially now we have Smartboard in 5 of the 7 labs.

Otherwise it is overheads and textbooks. Our only skulls are on our skeleton and a cow head from I don't know where!

To me buying models is a lot of expence versus the use that is got out of them.

Re: Biology models

Posted: 13 Oct 2011, 13:33
by smiley

Where do you live for a start? If you live near an abattoir, or a good butcher, you might be able to get a pig's head from them. We've had conversations here in the past about this but here's the gist of clean up:

You can a) soak it in chemicals to de-flesh it, or b) use nature. I have been known to put a skull on an ant-bed, in an old rat cage (upside down of course) and weighed down with bricks. Meat ants are best. Then let your little six-legged friends do the work for you. Might take a month, but at least the smell is not in your lab! Then you can bleach the skull to chase the last of the stinkiness away.

I also bought a set of mini-skulls from Scholastic, which show (in miniscule I admit) the placement of teeth, eye sockets etc in a range of species.

Your local ranger might be able to help out with possum road kill (see method above). If you need a dead bandicoot we have about 1000 littering our roadsides up here! :w00t: We could do a study on how fast the road couriers really are....maybe not...

Re: Biology models

Posted: 13 Oct 2011, 14:08
by amandag
EBAY......yep...while looking for those shoes...check out the skulls ... Categories