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Looking for a Yr 12 Maths Book

Posted: 13 Nov 2012, 13:35
by fibreweb
I know it's not a Science text but I thought I'd try here anyway. :-|

My son is doing Yr 12 General Maths and the school does not have enough text books to go around.
They arn't buying any more due to curriculum changes next year.

The book in question is "New Century Maths 12" General Maths Edition 2 Authors Margaret Willard and Robert Yen.

Is there any school out there that has a spare copy, I am more than happy to pay something for it. I may end up buying a new copy for him but they are $80 each and will not be able to be sold on due to the curriculum change.

Thanks, Wendy

Re: Looking for a Yr 12 Maths Book

Posted: 13 Nov 2012, 13:45
by RosalieM
I've just emailed our maths coordinator...

Re: Looking for a Yr 12 Maths Book

Posted: 13 Nov 2012, 14:11
by mrsd
seen our HT Maths don't use those ones sorry maybe this will help ... 1008717881

Re: Looking for a Yr 12 Maths Book

Posted: 14 Nov 2012, 10:52
by RosalieM
Sorry Wendy we don't use those books here.

Re: Looking for a Yr 12 Maths Book

Posted: 15 Nov 2012, 16:27
by LabMad
Try a place on line called Uniform Exchange, they sell text books, mostly secondhand
Good luck