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How does it work

Posted: 16 Nov 2012, 11:26
by Ocker
In the Physics store I have a board thingy with scales attached either end but no paperwork :redcard:
It is labelled "Long & Short Distance measuring Kit" made by H.B.Selby & Co centurys ago :whistle:
It has a pin-hole in one end with slides and mirrors wrapped up in greaseproof paper.
I suspect it operates something like a crude sextant, but no idea,
Has anyone else got one with instructions, I would love a copy :crazy:

Re: How does it work

Posted: 16 Nov 2012, 13:08
by RosalieM
I have just emailed our physics teacher. She is away at the moment so I don't know when I might have an answer (if she knows).

Re: How does it work

Posted: 19 Nov 2012, 07:53
by sunray18
I have a few 'mysteries' here...

Re: How does it work

Posted: 19 Nov 2012, 13:52
by Ocker
I hope your Physics teacher is a mature woman, I suspect Noah used these to build the ark
But It's for that reason I would perservere to get them operational

Re: How does it work

Posted: 20 Nov 2012, 10:45
by sunray18
i wonder if it is one of those ASEP kits that used to be around - we had them here... I will look for the forces booklet and see if it has anything in that for you

Re: How does it work

Posted: 20 Nov 2012, 10:51
by Ocker
It's distance measurement by optics, Sunray
Surveyors do something similar called Stadia