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Lab Assistant's Protection

Posted: 25 Mar 2013, 14:23
by ana.santos
Hi all,

I know everyone has been busy with pracs and assessments, I am. Just recently, a gas tubing from one of the group of students got ripped while they were doing a prac using the bunsen burner.Some groups had their burners on. Fortunately, I smelled the gas and immediately turned off the main switch. If I hadn't come to the lab, the whole room may had been burning. My science teacher did not notice the smell. Pracs were running all at the same time in 4 labs, how will I notice whenever incidents or accidents are happening?

With this in mind, after being in this job for more than 5 years now, I am wondering if, as lab assistants, do we have any public liability insurance to protect us whenever accidents like this happen? We do not earn so much and we all know we would be partly responsible for whatever incidents, even unintentional, that may occur in the labs. Any ideas on this matter?

:-( #-o Ana

Re: Lab Assistant's Protection

Posted: 26 Mar 2013, 07:50
by lada
Very interesting.
I always thought it was the school responsibility to have the cover. We cannot check every single lab item all the time.
Hope I am correct.

Re: Lab Assistant's Protection

Posted: 26 Mar 2013, 08:05
by Jazz
Responibility is with:
An officer can be:
•a director or secretary of a corporation
•any person who can make, or participate in making, decisions that affect the whole, or a substantial part, of the business of the corporation
•a person who has the capacity to affect significantly the corporation’s financial standing
•a receiver, or receiver and manager, of the property of the corporation
•an administrator of a corporation
•an administrator of a deed of company arrangement executed by a corporation
•a liquidator of a corporation
•a trustee or other person administering a compromise or arrangement made between the corporation and someone else.
Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (WHS Act

we are not responsible for anything; during the class time Teachers are incharge.If you see something is not right you need to report to the HOD, and that is it

Re: Lab Assistant's Protection

Posted: 26 Mar 2013, 08:46
by nickyw
How would you even think you would be responsible for that incident in any way. Whatever happens in the classroom is the teachers responsibility.

Re: Lab Assistant's Protection

Posted: 26 Mar 2013, 09:46
by ana.santos
I attended a network meeting (Southwest area) for lab attendants and was informed that incidents /accidents in the lab such as burning, chemical toxicity or injury, electrical accidents incurred to students can be our responsibility together with the teacher in-charge. Which is why we need to be trained on safety procedures. If I remember it right, there were even actual penalty costs ($) to the school, the teacher and the lab attendant. Please share your opinions, you may consult with your administrators, as I will do on our next meeting. I just think this is very important. I would even like to clarify the difference between lab technician and lab assistant because it will also dictate the degree of responsibility such as: lab assistants like me will not be responsible to fix equipments but I think technicians will and if there will be electrical accident, who is responsible? I should only "assist" and follow orders from teachers, lesser degree of responsibility...

Re: Lab Assistant's Protection

Posted: 26 Mar 2013, 10:14
by Ocker
Playing "Devils Advocate" could they argue that we sent out equipment that was defective ie perished rubber tubing.

Re: Lab Assistant's Protection

Posted: 26 Mar 2013, 13:21
by Jazz
hi Ana,
I would like to know who told you that. What kind of credential s/he has? Any background in WHS or just her/his opinion. Oscar is right we have to check equipment before goes out, We are not electricians or maintenance; we can do only visual inspection. We are NOT allowed to repair anything, just hand it in to the experts. (simple things like cutting rubber tubbing we do)
Bunsen burners should be inspected by students each time; BEFORE use, and report to the teacher and that should be part of safety procedures. Who did Risk management and SOP “How to use Bunsen Burners”. That is teachers job

Re: Lab Assistant's Protection

Posted: 26 Mar 2013, 14:34
by sunray18
Aren't we the bottom of the pecking order? If we do any more than ask the Head teacher what we shoudl do next, then we are showing intiative and probably exceeding our role. Wouldn't the HOD hate it if we really did that!!
We are not responsible for anything that happens in the laboratory when a teacher is in charge!
If we were why on earth would we do this job!!! we all know that there is always one teacher who is a loose cannon...

Re: Lab Assistant's Protection

Posted: 26 Mar 2013, 14:37
by RosalieM
My understanding is yes, the rules have changed. Everyone is responsible for everything! If you see something wrong/unsafe, you MUST report it to the person in charge or fix it or whatever. BUT having said that, it has also changed that the 'victim' (for want of a better word) now must prove you were negligent rather than you having to prove that you weren't. Much better situation! This is the new WHS system instead of the OHS. If you have pointed out the safety issue, your job is done :)

Re: Lab Assistant's Protection

Posted: 27 Mar 2013, 12:30
by Meegs
I just went to a WHS course put on by AIS (Independent schools) NSW. My understanding is that lab assistants come under the title of 'workers' and we are responsible for 'acting in a safe manner, creating a safety framework that improves and monitors safety standards' (quoting my notes from the course). So we report to our HSC (Health & Safety Committee - the old OHS committee) and the HSC & PCBU (Person Conducting a Business or Understaking) are responsible for funding and providing any safety needs ASAP.
The one thing I got from the course was to report anything of concern to HSC and document! So if I was Ana I would report that class, in writing, to HSC as say a 'near miss incident'. Having documented safety procedures like Jazz's SOP for bunsen burners is the way to go.
There are fines & gaol time for "Reckless Conduct" or "Failure to comply with health & safety duty" (i.e. exposing people to death, serious injury or illness). I think you're safe Ana.

Re: Lab Assistant's Protection

Posted: 27 Mar 2013, 12:49
by RosalieM
Well put, Meegs! Yes, that is my understanding from our meeting about changing over from OHS committee to HSC.