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new regulations re safety showers

Posted: 26 Jun 2013, 14:40
by sunray18
Can anyone help me out here.
I have asked for proper safety showers to be installed in the labs, and have been asked for the regulations.. does anyone know where I can find them, which regualtion number etc..

Re: new regulations re safety showers

Posted: 27 Jun 2013, 12:19
by linotas
Haver a look at the australian standard for laboratory design. Not sure what number series it is (although 1426 rings a bell) I'll hunt mine out when I have a minute.

Re: new regulations re safety showers

Posted: 16 Jul 2013, 12:32
by coxy123
Or you could ask a local school in Port Macquarie who had the chemstore refurbished - her new shower is an old tap, right beside the acids shelf, with a drain on the floor. Yes, a normal, down on the floor, tap. If the Lab Assistant splashed chemical on her face, she would literally have to lie on her back, on the floor and reach up to turn the tap on herself!!
Officially, that is her new safety shower!!