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Mitchelton SHS science block fire! (22/07/2013)

Posted: 22 Jul 2013, 10:27
by Graham Kemp
Oh dear.
Students and staff evacuated as science building catches fire at Mitchelton State High School (Read more)
STUDENTS and staff have been evacuated from a burning Brisbane school.
Fire broke out in the science block of Mitchelton State High School about 8.30am.
The blaze was contained by 10am after five fire crews attended. Six police cars were also in attendance.
No one has been injured, the Department of Community Safety told AAP

Re: Mitchelton SHS science block fire! (22/07/2013)

Posted: 22 Jul 2013, 10:30
by Narelle01
Darn it - I refreshed before i posted, and didn't see this one - sorry for the duplicate post!