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USB microscope

Posted: 21 Nov 2013, 10:20
by mtg
Has any one used a MicroWiz Computer microscope? In the Haines catalogue it's blue and $295.

Re: USB microscope

Posted: 22 Nov 2013, 19:03
by smiley
I saw one on a PD day - they're very Primary School. You can take photos etc, but it depends on what you want a USB microscope for. We use our Motic, from AIS, to take photos of leaf cross-sections and leaf surface slide and then count stomata or measure pallisade layers etc using the measurement program. We also use the video feature to dissect termites - btw an totally awesome prac!

So yeah, decide what you want it for.

Re: USB microscope

Posted: 25 Nov 2013, 07:09
by sunray18
We have 4 great USB ones called 'DinoLites' from TLI. They work really well. We also have a digital camera on two of the senior microscopes and a digital camera on one of our stereo microscopes.. all are from TLI.