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Whose school has animals?

Posted: 19 Feb 2007, 19:58
by Miranda
I just wanted to know who else has animals in their Science department? We have recently bought a Proserpine carpet python and two Central Bearded Dragons, and they're all sooooo cute! We keep the snake in it's enclosure in the Biology room, and the kids just love it, especially when I get it out. The lizards are in the old Biology prep room which has a window through to it from the lab next door, and soon we will get green and brown frogs to add to our growing menagerie :D

Today I learned how to feed the snake, although she was not interested in her pinkie rat lunch :lol: I had a very interested audience at the time too! I will try again tomorrow though.

Posted: 20 Feb 2007, 09:31
by Julia
Hi Miranda,

How lucky are you. The only snakes I get are what the kids bring in to preserve for them.
How ever being a country school we have marron and have been successfully breeding them. (I do have to keep a close eye on them as they are quite popular eating!)


Posted: 20 Feb 2007, 11:06
by Voice
Although this is not my school, I have seen wondrous living exhibits of snakes, lizards, birds, frogs and other animals at this school. I am sure the Laboratory Technician at this school would help with any advice. This school is McKillop Catholic College in Werribee.
Good Luck.
:roll: Maree

Posted: 20 Feb 2007, 11:40
by Ocean Breeze
How cute! :-) .
I am flat out taking care of my fish!

Fish only

Posted: 20 Feb 2007, 13:41
by MichPull

You are lucky to have such a wonderful array of animals, all we have are fish, which the girls keep killing with love. I have to hide the food in my desk or they get fed 6 times a day.

Hint for the snake with feeding, warm up the enclosure first with a heat lamp, they are more inclined to eat then.


Posted: 20 Feb 2007, 14:09
by bindi
:-o NSW requires Licences for amphibians & reptiles.

Posted: 20 Feb 2007, 20:54
by Miranda
Thankyou for your replies and advice :)

bindi - we had to get a license too and it took a while to organise but then they fast tracked sending it out and we got it in a couple of days.

Word of warning though - they are more expensive than I thought :-o

Posted: 21 Feb 2007, 07:07
by bindi
Those of you who have frogs, there is a great group in Syd. called FATS (Frog and Tadpole Society).
If you become a member about $25/year for a family cheaper for one person you can attend regular meetings and obtain frogs for free if some other members have bread some.(you must have amphibians keepers licence).
They also can help with any problems such as disease & sickness. They have regular field trips and weekend expeditions studying various frog colonies.
You dont have to be a frog freak or have a PHD (some do & some are a little too 'FROGGY') but most people just have an interest.