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Repairing Trundle Wheels

Posted: 03 Mar 2015, 08:42
by Merilyn1
Just wondering if anyone had any suggestions for repairing trundle wheels. The students are very good at losing the box on the wheel that make the "click" sound. Trouble is, they are not very good at finding them. The teachers don't seem to be checking that they are missing before returning them. These things aren't cheap to replace.

So does anyone have any suggestion for repairing ones that have lost the box? Or do you have a way of making them more secure?

I've attached a couple of photos to explain what I mean.

Re: Repairing Trundle Wheels

Posted: 09 Mar 2015, 07:33
by Narelle01
exact thing happened to ours.
I bought a new one which is wooden, of very poor quality. I had to PVA glue the metal tab in place so it clicked on the screw head!

Why do the companies import such crap quality- and why are we forced to purchase it.

As I was heating and bending more glass delivery tubes the other day I realised that there is still skill involved in being a labby - so much of our equipment requires us to make it!! (&repair it, or remake it!!)

Re: Repairing Trundle Wheels

Posted: 10 Mar 2015, 09:18
by Merilyn1
I too, get annoyed Narelle, with getting poor quality equipment even when paying a good price. Off the top of my head, the trundle wheels are about $60-70 each and they don't "break", they just fall apart.

The other thing that annoys me is buying equipment that has been incorrectly described in the catalogue, including the wrong photo. Then when you want to return it, you have to squeeze free return post out of them. Time wasting!