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Posted: 05 Mar 2015, 10:53
by smeee
Registrations are now open for CONASTA in Perth
Details here - ... 1d8e2.aspx


Posted: 05 Mar 2015, 12:43
by lizzieb
Thanks Margaret,

Great to see GHS and Science ASSIST presenters listed as Keynote speakers. Plus I see there's one on Dangerous Goods. Then Phillip Crisp and Wendy Hurle running sessions, plus: biology techniques; skeleton repair; microscope maintenance; what is it & how does it work?; approved chemicals. Looks like Tuesday's the day to be there!
Ah - there's another GHS one on Wednesday.

Would particularly love to get to hear what Virginia Ward and Phillip Crisp have to say!

Am envious of those who can go over - have fun \:D/ and please please report back to us :coffee:


Posted: 05 Mar 2015, 17:07
by smeee
If you would like to go register and choose workshops before they get fully booked, request invoice and pay closer to time.

The important thing is to register choice of workshops so you don't miss out


Posted: 05 Mar 2015, 17:10
by smeee
I am looking forward to it.
Will report back to Chemtalk afterwards.
We might be able to get the workshop presenters you mentioned to run workshops at the ASET conference in September.
Hope things are on the improve with you


Posted: 06 Mar 2015, 13:30
by lizzieb
Thanks Margaret, that sounds great.

Those of us who are unable to attend will be glad to hear your feedback :coffee:

Am hopefully improving - definitely better than the middle 6 months of last year, thank goodness, though not back to who I used to be - have good days and not so good days :-?
Meanwhile enjoying life in the slow lane!

So many of us have had health challenges, as you well know, that we could have a thread dedicated to comparing notes!! Lots of stories are far worse than mine and none of us like to complain.
Do hope you're going ok now too.

It's all part of the fun of getting older - I feel for the 'young ones' - luckily I can choose to retire at 66, lol!!! \:D/

Hugs and blessings to all :thumbup:


Posted: 09 Mar 2015, 07:49
by Labbie
So pleased you are improving Lizz, Hugs and Blessings to you.


Posted: 09 Mar 2015, 08:42
by smeee
I have had ongoing health issues since July last year after initial op for hiatus hernia and reflux.
Since the fundoplication op I have only had no more than 30 days when I haven't thrown up.
4 oesophageal dilations later and a loosening of the fundoplication wrap in January, the problem still persists.
Barium swallow shows a "stricture". Dr Google says it can be caused by reflux or an endoscopy and I am wondering if that happened during the first op as I haven't been charged for the other ops. Good thing as I was out of pocket $3000 first time around :-(
Sooo ... am booked in on the 17th for a balloon dilation and that may be a series until the problem is fixed.
Happy St Patrick's Day to me !
As a result of not being able to eat solid food I have lost 23 kgs - look at the money saved by not going to Weight Watchers !! *lol* :clap3: plus the fact that I can buy a new wardrobe.
I am hanging out for a nice juicy steak and a schooner of icy cold beer. Milk is good to neutralise the acidity in stomach so have been drinking it with a splash of Baileys to make it taste better :lol:
I have 5 conferences and several club functions this year so don't want to be sitting down to chicken noodle soup each time :unsure:
I will get over this but have to be a patient patient
Oh well........better get back to work and catch up on 3 1/2 weeks I was off.


Posted: 09 Mar 2015, 09:29
by lizzieb
Wow, Margaret! You are a strong and inspirational woman. Hard to find the joy in all that - unless you count the weight loss 8O Best wishes for next week's op, do hope it makes a difference.

Thankyou for your passion to continue to achieve so much for us all through ASET, etc.

See - that certainly puts my issues into perspective! My brain and energy have just gone away on holidays without me :mad: I hope they come back soon

Thanks, Sue, for your good wishes, much appreciated. You're an inspiration, too, with the workload you have to manage, on your own, as well as training others. Let alone do such a brilliant job of moderating chemtalk! Well done you =D>

It's International Women's Day time of year, so we must all celebrate our wonderful selves and keep putting one foot in front of the other, even when it's 'lollipop steps'!

Thankyou chemtalk community, for the amazing support you provide to us all, through good times and bad...

Now - time to lighten up - someone out there must have a suitable (women's) joke to make us all laugh on a Monday??

Hugs & Blessings to you all


Posted: 11 Mar 2015, 08:40
by sunray18
Dear Margaret - I didnt realise you were so ill.. I am so sad that you have had to go through all this - the only upshot is the weight loss! I was so miserable over Christmas being ill I ate myself up another 10 kilos..
Take care of yourself - save energy for the good things in life.


Posted: 11 Mar 2015, 09:17
by Merilyn1
smeee wrote:Liz
I am looking forward to it.
Will report back to Chemtalk afterwards.
We might be able to get the workshop presenters you mentioned to run workshops at the ASET conference in September.
Hope things are on the improve with you
Hi Margaret
Hope you start to feel better soon. Try to take some time out for yourself (I know, can be easier said than done).

From conversations here on Chemtalk, I think we all need help with labelling. Maybe something to include at the conference?


Posted: 16 Mar 2015, 08:42
by smeee
Life would be so much simpler if the 3 education sectors got their heads together and all used the same resource (ChemgoldFFX) as PD would be on the same page training wise. :oops:


Posted: 22 Apr 2015, 09:38
by smeee
Still time to register for CONASTA in Perth and have an extended holiday as well ... 1d8e2.aspx