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Rust Stains on Glassware

Posted: 21 Feb 2007, 12:17
by gwen
Hi everyone,

Does anyone have a simple solution for removing rust stains from glassware?
I have not had much luck with oxalic acid and usually resort to steel wool and Bon Ami or similar. There must be an easier way.


Posted: 21 Feb 2007, 13:48
by bindi
Fill test tube to required level will 3M HCl and leave in a safe area over night. then reuse the same HCl for the next batch. It works for alot of batches even when discoloured.
Recycle! Recycle!

Rust stains on Glassware

Posted: 21 Feb 2007, 14:18
by kimmy
HI Gwen,

I am currently cleaning up my test tubes, I also use 3m HCl and leave them overnight. This solutions works for several applications, just pour it our into a beaker and then refill your next load of test tubes.

Good luck

Rust Stains on Glassware

Posted: 23 Feb 2007, 08:28
by gwen
Thanks Bindi and Kimmy this seems to have done the trick.


Posted: 23 Feb 2007, 08:36
by KimFenley

Oxalic acid does work, I make it faily strong and most is gone by the morning. I then reuse the solution many times.


Re: Rust Stains on Glassware

Posted: 02 Sep 2010, 10:57
by Rowyrow
I have a bunch of rusty test tubes that have been soaking in napisan for days (some more than a week). Most of them have come clean but there are a few very stubbourn ones. Now I don't have any Oxalyic acid what else could I use to clean these up? someone mentioned 3M HCL will this work?

Re: Rust Stains on Glassware

Posted: 24 Apr 2012, 12:34
by mrsd
Having been using HCl + Oxalic Acid reusing many times since i have been releiving for the last 6 months but running low. Want to make a new batch to clean rust spots etc from test tubes but know one seems to know the receipe have looked on forum but can't seem to find with both. thanks

Re: Rust Stains on Glassware

Posted: 24 Apr 2012, 15:04
by dime
I haven't mixed them together. Just use approx 2m HCl. Does the trick overnight. Someone else might know though.

Re: Rust Stains on Glassware

Posted: 24 Apr 2012, 15:19
by Graham Kemp
10% Oxalic acid is fairly good at eliminating most glassware stains and such. Most.

I've also attempted lifting stuborn iron oxide using warm 5M HCl with some success. Some.

Howvever, I still have stained glassware that nothing seems to clean. Nothing. Very stubborn. Most annoying.
