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Posted: 15 Sep 2015, 10:53
by Anastasia
Hi everyone,

I received an email this week recommending the disposal of talc from mineral kits as it poses an asbestos risk. Has anyone else received this email? Do you use talc at your school for testing hardness? Will you be getting rid of your talc specimens?


Re: Talc

Posted: 15 Sep 2015, 14:32
by mtg
Haven't heard anything and we use it for Gak or slime only.

Re: Talc

Posted: 15 Sep 2015, 14:35
by macca
Found this, makes interesting reading. ... s_partner/

Re: Talc

Posted: 15 Sep 2015, 14:48
by Wayne
I will be adding my talc to the pile of other rock samples that have been double bagged ready to be collected for disposal, due to asbestos. The annoying thing though is that the whole kit has to go not just the talc. I see I also have to get them to remove the vermiculite as well.

Re: Talc

Posted: 15 Sep 2015, 14:50
by Wayne
macca wrote:Found this, makes interesting reading. ... s_partner/
And on the other side there is this ... wder-myth/

Re: Talc

Posted: 15 Sep 2015, 15:41
by smiley
In my year of nothing-to-do - aka Chemotherapy year - lots and lots came across my email.

Basically, talcum powders are supposed to be asbestos free, as from 1973 or some such date. I guess there could be some concern with cheapo overseas produced ones.

Talc the rock occurs naturally with asbestos, so there's a concern that talc rock samples will have asbestos fibres in them. Thus meaning that the whole "Moh's Hardness" sets will have to go. Sigh. But as for the rest, it can be a bit like the Borax v Boric Acid internet myth.

Re: Talc

Posted: 06 Oct 2015, 12:29
by Merilyn1
We, too, have just received the circular regarding the disposal of certain mineral kits. I have had a look on the Science Assist website. There have been two questions posted about serpentine and talc. Interestingly, in regards to the serpentine, Science Assist suggests that the "offending" item be removed from the kit and the remainder is okay to use. In regards to the talc, they are currently investigating this and in the meantime they suggest NOT to throw any kits out.

I've taken the metamorphic kits which contain serpentinite (also listed as a nasty) and the Moh's Hardness kits out of use for the time being until I have a definite answer.

Re: Talc

Posted: 06 Oct 2015, 14:02
by sunray18
I have been assured by my supplier that there is no Asbestos in the Moh's kits, and none in the talc .. I am asking for a statement to that effect.. do not Panic...
As I drive through Sydney and Newcastle I look at the thousands of 50's 60's houses, mostly public housing .. and they are ALL clad inside and outside with asbestos-containing sheeting.. can you imagine the magnitude of the problem IF the government was forced to demolish those houses or to renovate them and replace the asbestos with gyprock inside and re clad the outside??
Look at the roofs of houses and older style public buildings - do you see the grey-white roofing? all containing asbestos..
The house I used to won in Weston was completely sheeted inside with asbestos-containing sheeting.. it is all around us..

Re: Talc

Posted: 06 Oct 2015, 14:09
by Merilyn1
I agree, Sunray, there is so much asbestos around that we have no control over and which the students would come into contact with. I was unable to contact the supplier of our kits, I'm assuming they are no longer around. But I thought, what are they going to say? Either "of course our samples are all fine", or "you'll have to replace all your kits with new ones - would you like our catalogue?"!

It will still be interesting to see what Science Assist people have to say.

Re: Talc

Posted: 07 Oct 2015, 13:11
by Rita
I received a "hazard alert" during the holidays. Recommendations on the alert sheet advise the whole set of Moh's Hardness Kits, not just the talc, be withdrawn and disposed of. Further advice will be forthcoming in the next week from CEO.

Re: Talc

Posted: 08 Oct 2015, 07:08
by sunray18
Thinking about the Moh's sets.. we do not have the top 3 - diamond, corundum or topaz - in the kits, now we are withdrawing the bottom one.. well that only leaves the middle lot of 6 testing items.. and IS it still in the curriculum? My 4 sets get used only twice each in each year.. a lot of fuss and money for such an outlay of money, and time to recheck the contents.

Re: Talc

Posted: 08 Oct 2015, 07:52
by AnnNos
Has anyone from the Department of Education received notification about this recently? I haven't.

Re: Talc

Posted: 08 Oct 2015, 08:06
by Merilyn1
sunray18 wrote:Thinking about the Moh's sets.. we do not have the top 3 - diamond, corundum or topaz - in the kits, now we are withdrawing the bottom one.. well that only leaves the middle lot of 6 testing items.. and IS it still in the curriculum? My 4 sets get used only twice each in each year.. a lot of fuss and money for such an outlay of money, and time to recheck the contents.

I asked my co-ordinator this morning about whether they had to use the hardness kits. She said although they don't have to, it is still a useful prac. I've had a look at suppliers and cannot find any kits without talc. One supplier assures us on their website that none of their kits contain asbestos. But how do they know?

I have someone from Wollongong CEO coming out today to have a look at what we have and make a decision on what we need to do.

Re: Talc

Posted: 08 Oct 2015, 09:44
by macca
I sent an email yesterday to our CSO. This is what I received back. :coffee:

Re: Talc

Posted: 08 Oct 2015, 10:11
by AnnNos
Thanks macca

Re: Talc

Posted: 15 Oct 2015, 09:29
by CC
thanks macca

Re: Talc

Posted: 15 Oct 2015, 12:41
by Labbie
No us DEC or should I say Do E schools, have not heard a thing yet.

Re: Talc

Posted: 15 Oct 2015, 14:15
by gotolady
I haven't heard anything from DoE but will keep under lock and key until something is forwarded to us. Typical not to let us know what is happening....too bad if you or students suffer. :mad:

Re: Talc

Posted: 16 Oct 2015, 06:53
by sunray18
The document macca posted was written in 2014.. so wouldn't you think that all of the Do E schools would have received it??-bet it didn't filter down to the people who have to deal with it. I have gathered all my 37 Moh's kits, boxes of minerals and now await advice from HOD as to what to do wiuth them all. I was hoping the CSO would arrange a bulk pick up - but I doubt that.
I received two different alerts - and one of them mentioned vermiculite. We have a bag of this as we use it in the spill kits. I rang the supplier in Queensland and I think I almost caused him to have a heart attack when I told him it was banned in schools because of having asbestos in it... He sent me a copy of a certificate that attested that no vermiculite from that mine contained asbestos. So we are not disposing of that. One chemical supplier sends out some of its chemicals packed in vermiculite.
I wonder what will be the next panic alert we have to deal with.

Re: Talc

Posted: 16 Oct 2015, 06:59
by Merilyn1
Hi Sunray
Wollongong CEO is organising for someone to come out and test our kits. If found to be contaminated, the same company will remove and dispose of the kits. CEO will pay for testing, but we're up for the cost of disposal and replacement of the kits. According to their circular, only our Moh's kits and metamorphic sets are affected. I have been told to double bag them, return them to the cupboard where they were stored and not to use them until the samples have been tested.
Of course, it had to happen right in the middle of Year 7 doing the rocks and minerals topic!