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Lego Logo Robotics

Posted: 02 Mar 2007, 08:50
by Ian
Hi all,
This one will have the older ones of you digging through the memory banks. Back in the 1980's Lego had a system called Lego Logo which was basically an interface between Lego Technics and an old Apple //e or Apple IIGS computer. (I know that they still have modern versions that run on Macs and modern computers.)
The software was an adaptation of the LogoWriter software with some additional commands to talk to the interface box.

I have uncovered an old Apple IIGS computer with the interface card and control box, and I have even dug up the software and some lego Technics to use with it. What I do not have is the list of commands that I need to tell the computer to look at the interface box.

Would anybody out there have the Lego Logo software documentation or even a list of lego logo commands that I could use to get some life out of this archaic system. (As I said, I am aware that there are modern versions around, but I do not have them. I only have this one)


Re: Lego Logo Robotics

Posted: 30 Oct 2007, 13:35
by chemical
Dear Ian

Are you talking about a Lego TC logo set no 9545
I have the complete set but it has never been used in the box is a book called Reference Guide for Lego TC logo is I can be of help please reply.

Lindy :coffee:

Re: Lego Logo Robotics

Posted: 30 Oct 2007, 20:56
by Ian
Hi Lindy,
Wow! :grin: I posted that question about Lego Logo back on 2nd March, and you are the first person to respond. Kind of like "a note in a bottle". You never know when it is going to be found!

Yes, it is Lego TC logo that I was after, or more specifically, a program language instruction book. As I said, I have all the bits, except the knowlege of how to actually program it.

What do you plan to do with your box ?

Thanks for getting back to me.

Ian :D

Re: Lego Logo Robotics

Posted: 31 Oct 2007, 10:24
by chemical
Hi Ian

Yes sometimes it takes time. Firslty I will go and have another look in the box. As for the set I found it was all sealed about May 07. I say it was brought some 15 years ago. But never installed. It is a terrible waste of resources. I only started this job in April 2007. I will get back to you
