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unknown anions

Posted: 08 Sep 2022, 15:13
by RosalieL
I've need to get the chemicals out for the unknown anion prac for yr 12. I have the text book which tells the kids to design their own experiment. I won't be here when they do it (sick kids) and the teacher hasn't had a chance to do the RA for it yet. Is there a "cheat sheet" for what I need for this one?

(I asked the teachers to let me know what they're likely to do in the next week or two in case I am off for a little while - it's not the teacher's fault! He's usually pretty on top of RAs)

Re: unknown anions

Posted: 09 Sep 2022, 09:17
by Anastasia
Do you use the Risk Assess program by Phillip Crisp? If so you can do a search of previous years RA (assuming this prac has been done in previous years)

Re: unknown anions

Posted: 11 Sep 2022, 23:12
by RosalieL
We only started using RiskAssess last year (when I started here) and the school I’m at does compressed HSC so this is the first year they’ve done chemistry in that time… I ended up finding the teacher after school and he came and worked out what he would need. It’s his first time teaching the course, too, so we’ve both been on a bit of a learning curve this year! The chem teacher at my previous school (before my 8 year break from lab assisting) knew the course inside out and made my life very easy!

Re: unknown anions

Posted: 12 Sep 2022, 06:44
by Debbie
Good Morning, We used to do a cation/anion prac a long time ago - I have found some notes which you might fine useful. Hope they help.
CYA Debbie