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Disposal of Hydrogen Sulphide

Posted: 11 Jun 2007, 16:35
by vic
hi all,

I have just had a teacher make some hydrogen sulphide by bubbling a combination of HCL and sodium sulphide through copper sulphate. Now I know that this my be a silly question but how do I now dispose of it??? :shock:

Is it ok to just throw it all away including the left over reactants??

I have looked through all of the books and have NO idea...


Re: Disposal of Hydrogen Sulphide

Posted: 12 Jun 2007, 09:18
by Labbie
Hydrogen Sulfide in the NSW CSIS book, is a waste 29
Inorganic sulfides
Toxic Hydrogen sulfide gas evolved if in contant with acid.
Rubber (Latex) gloves, safety glasses, laboratory coat, Work in fume cupboard or well ventilated area.
Clean up & disposal
* Liquid
Add Iron chloride solution then a slight excess of solid sodium carbonate. Absorb using paper towel, vermiculite, perlite or cat litter & place in garbage.

* Solid
Sweep up & place in garbage.
