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structure/formula query

Posted: 09 Aug 2007, 13:37
by ndicker
Hello Lab techies...
Just wondering if anyone out there knows the chemical structure and formula for C4. One of our students was curious... and the chem teacher and I are a little hesitant to search the web for info in case "big brother" is watching out for people looking for info on explosives...
Ta in advance for any help
nic :thumbup:

Re: structure/formula query

Posted: 10 Aug 2007, 08:29
by Slartibartfast
Er, why would he need to know the chemical makeup of plastic explosive? Does he live on a farm and want to blow a stump out of the ground or is he just curious? My younger brother serves with the army and they know not to ask - 11 secret herbs and spices probably involved somewhere. I wouldn't look it up on the net either!

Re: structure/formula query

Posted: 10 Aug 2007, 09:37
by Ocean Breeze
Sheeeh! I have kids ask me how to make nasty stuff/can we blow up something/set something on fire. I just tell them that we wouldnt know/ they dont want to know/ and even if we did know, we dont keep those chemicals on school sites. [-X

That seems to do it. A lot of it is just bravado anyway.

Re: structure/formula query

Posted: 10 Aug 2007, 09:59
by Slartibartfast
If I had a dollar for every time a student asked do I get to blow things up or what is good for blowing up I could retire today and get myself gold plated within the hour. Do they think of anything else in science? Admitedly when I went through school we had a teacher that had an uncanny knack for destroying things (via explosions) and you often went home blackened with your hair a mess. Now I don't know whether he being blind in one eye and no sense of smell was as a result of previous forays into the world of atomisation but it did add to the sense of imminent danger I can tell you. They've banned most of what he worked with and I don't think he's allowed to teach in NSW any more. Probably now in Queensland furthering his career with distinction!

Structure/formula query

Posted: 16 Aug 2007, 23:37
by Robb
Hi All,

The Chemical composition is Cyclotrimethylene Trinitramine, Unfortunately that is all I can reveal, as my qualifications are on the line... The C-4 Actually stands for Composition 4 which is a composite of plastic explosive. Bare with me here.... And although I have given you the main name C4 consists of 90% Cyclotrimethylene Trinitramine and 5% Plasticizer (Name I will not disclose), and Binder (Name I will not disclose).

But the composite that mainly is present is: Cyclotrimethylene Trinitramine..

I must make reference as a Scientist to other peoples work and give you the Patent Number for this: 6887324 and the Patent Number for the C4 reformulation is: EP1358138.

I hope you understand why I can only reveal a small part of the C4 composition.

