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Nasty tasting, anti-fingernail biting stuff

Posted: 10 Aug 2007, 14:44
by ri
Hi All,
I have just been asked for the above. :yuck:
Can anyone tell me its name so I know what to ask the chemist?
Once I have a name I can look up its MSDS......

Re: Nasty tasting, anti-fingernail biting stuff

Posted: 10 Aug 2007, 15:09
by gwen
Hi Robyn,

From memory it's called "Stop and Grow" but somebody stole our school supply so I couldn"t check.


Re: Nasty tasting, anti-fingernail biting stuff

Posted: 10 Aug 2007, 15:14
by Marjan
I have that one. it's called Ston 'N Grow (stops nail biting). you can get that from coles or wooli.

Re: Nasty tasting, anti-fingernail biting stuff

Posted: 10 Aug 2007, 15:15
by Marjan
Sorry, STOP 'N GROW.

Re: Nasty tasting, anti-fingernail biting stuff

Posted: 10 Aug 2007, 15:18
by rae
Sally Hansen Nail Biter is what we have here.

Re: Nasty tasting, anti-fingernail biting stuff

Posted: 10 Aug 2007, 16:20
by Lyn
Hi Robyn,

What's the prac you are using this stuff for?


Re: Nasty tasting, anti-fingernail biting stuff

Posted: 10 Aug 2007, 16:34
by ri
Hi Lyn,
the topic is
"To model natural selection"
I guess the teachers are hard up to demonstrate this, having tried the usual.
Red jelly beans are coated with the nasty stuff so they kids will avoid them amongst the others???

Re: Nasty tasting, anti-fingernail biting stuff

Posted: 10 Aug 2007, 18:45
by smeee
I used to buy it as "bitter aloes"

Re: Nasty tasting, anti-fingernail biting stuff

Posted: 15 Aug 2007, 10:04
by ri
Thanks all for your help and replies.
We used Mentholatum brand Stopn'Grow which contains Quinine sulfate as its bitter component.
We have painted red jelly beans with it so the kids avoid that colour amongst the other colours.
They probably will never touch red jelly beans ever again!

Re: Nasty tasting, anti-fingernail biting stuff

Posted: 21 Aug 2007, 09:43
by Kathryn
We just did the natural selection experiment, painting the yukky stop-nail biting stuff onto jelly beans. Didn't quite have the expected result...... as soon as one boy got a taste of the yukky one, all the boys wanted to taste them... so they ended up with the least number of the yukky ones left at the end. I sugested it was perhaps selecting for 'dumbness!'


Re: Nasty tasting, anti-fingernail biting stuff

Posted: 21 Aug 2007, 11:32
by Mother
Hi All
We have 14 classes of Year10's and do the Natural Selection Prac.with all of them.Lots and lots of jellybeans!!! So what I do,is paint a different colour jelly bean for each class, as word soon gets around if the same colour jelly bean is painted all the time. Another thing to remember is not to put the jelly beans in one big container so all the kids can help themselves. The little darlings are not very hygienic with washing their hands. Hepatitis B and C can be easily contracted. I put about 6 or 8 jelly beans in small beakers making sure that the painted colour is in each the beakers.This way each student has their individual container. Makes them feel special because they can then eat the rest of the jelly beans knowing they have the yuccky :yuck: one out of the way!!!!