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Labelling - Warning triangels

Posted: 14 Aug 2007, 15:32
by dolphinscales
Hello one and all

ok I would like to know if any one knows of a warning triangle for irritant ( a hazardous catagory triangle) NOT the dangerous good dimonds such as toxic and flammable ect BUT the warning tirangles. such as dangerous for the environment triangle, Biohazard ect.

thanks in advance

Re: Labelling - Warning triangels

Posted: 14 Aug 2007, 22:53
by Robb
Hi Dolphinscales,

I can certainly answer your question quite thoroughly.

The coloured Diamonds as we know then are called International Hazard symbols, (coloured diamons as we loosly know them), and over the pased 2-3 years another class is coming into the "scheme of things". - Marine Pollutant - Its class number is 9 and has been identified as a new label. The label is a triangle with black writing and symbols on a white background. You will start to see it more often as more reagents now require this label and depending on the label manufacturers, as to when they will begin to create and modify current labels to support this.

Copper Sulfate labels currently should show the new label already as this has always been known as a marine pollutant for years. I have seen the introduction of this label whilst working in research and development at Bayer Aust. as we have been researching developing new insecticides and pesticides and animal health products that obviously change the current state of the environment substantially.

All other labels are still diamonds with the exception of the new Marine Pollutant.

Hope this has been informative for you and answers your question..



Re: Labelling - Warning triangels

Posted: 15 Aug 2007, 08:49
by Labbie
Hi Robb, If this Marine Pollant is to be a class 6, does that mean 6.1 toxic will change??????????

Re: Labelling - Warning triangels

Posted: 15 Aug 2007, 11:05
by dolphinscales
Thanks Robb - yes i was aware of all that :)

I have been unable to find what i need so i shall presume it does not exist and leave it at that.

I was doing a display on the the differnt signage students may find around the place and thought to provide some that would be of use to them in the various work places they identified to me.

thanks for your reply though

Re: Labelling - Warning triangels

Posted: 15 Aug 2007, 13:09
by dolphinscales
Ok i foudn whati was looking for - thoughti would add the link so everyone else who has no idea whati mean can get an idea of what i meant :). ... ymbols.htm

Re: Labelling - Warning triangels

Posted: 16 Aug 2007, 22:31
by Robb
Hi Pommy, Dolphinscales.

Firstly if I can amend my previous post, the Marine Pollutant is a Class 9 Label not 6 as I quoted. The error has come from a typo I have made.

I have changed my previous post to correct this, so your response to the Class 6 question you gave me Pommy will be null and void.

The mistake came from the typing using the numerical keypad on the right-hand side of the keyboard where numbers 9 and 6 are together. I apologise for any confusion.

Just to Note that the New Label Marine Pollutant is Class 9 on the International Hazard Symbol Cod (Coloured Diamond)..

And to continue to answer the other post of Dolphinscales regarding the Web Link that you have given is that the symbols that are displayed there are the EC Hazard Symbols. These symbols are solely used for the purpose of the Safe Handling in the Laboratory.

These symbols are just a stand-out symbol that catches the eye of laboratory workers and due to the understanding and training of personnel; the labels are correctly identified by the individual and understood. Hence the Square Orange appearance.

So the Picture of the Black Flame on the Orange background indicates the substance is Flammable or is a Flammable Solid;

The Picture of the Dead Tree and Fish indicates the substance is a Marine Pollutant;

The Picture depicting the Metal and Hand being burned indicates that the substance is Corrosive;

The Black Cross on the Orange background indicates whether the substance is Harmful or Irritant;

The Skull and Crossbones indicate that the substance is Poisonous, Toxic;

The Ball with Flames indicates that the Substance is an Oxidising agent;


Just as another reference point for you, there will be on some (not all) a black letter or a black letter and a black subscripted i or n or + in the Top Left corner of the Orange symbol
these separate the sub categories from each other.

For Example:

The Skull and Crossbones may have one of two symbols one may be a T+ in the Top Left corner of the label and the other may be a T. This indicates that the substance with the T is Toxic (Potassium Cyanide) and the other with the T+ indicates that the substance is Very Toxic (Poisonous Gas - Sulfur Dioxide).

I hope this has been very informative and not too confusing.



Re: Labelling - Warning triangels

Posted: 17 Aug 2007, 10:39
by dolphinscales
Yes Robb i am aware of this but find the students respond to info better if there are pictures or symbols. So being sneaky, to get them to look at info i am going to use the yellow triangle/squares to get their attention and get them to take some info without their knowledge :). It is all about getting the message accross - the required diamonds are also in use along with all other required info.