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Bony fish dissection Life Science Marine

Posted: 15 Jul 2006, 14:38
by ndicker
Hi all,
Any ideas on the best (cheapest!) place to get some whole bony fish for Life Science Marine class in Tas. I've only been at the job for bout 2 weeks so am still finding my way around.... 8O Surely it woudn't be as simple as the supermarket?!?!?!?! :?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Nicole :D

Posted: 21 Jul 2006, 12:31
by Miranda
Hi Nicole,

We usually get our fish for dissection from local fish markets. I am in Vic so I can't help you out as to locations of such markets, but generally they offer fish at cheaper prices than supermarkets.

Hope this is of some help!

Miranda, also a relative newbie to lab teching and loving it :D

Posted: 24 Jul 2006, 12:05
by Nikki

I am lucky enough to be friends with a prawn trawler skipper and he gives me some bycatch so perhaps you could find someone in a similar industry and see if they can help you.


Posted: 31 Jul 2006, 14:17
by General
Hi Nicole

We gotten fish from Stingray at 308 Elizabeth, St North Hobart.

Re: Bony fish dissection Life Science Marine

Posted: 03 Feb 2009, 08:49
by jenny walter
Hi There,
I usually get frozen bait fish, cheap and readily available.