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genetics DVD

Posted: 23 Aug 2007, 14:53
by debh
Can anyone recommend a good newish genetics DVD. We need to update and as they are expensive would like to get a good updated one

Re: genetics DVD

Posted: 24 Aug 2007, 11:28
by smiley
Can't recommend an educational one, but there's a Simpsons episode that's just mandatory! It's where Grandpa tells Lisa the Simpsons carry a "dumbness" gene and soon she's going to lose her intelligence and become stupid. Homer gathers up relatives to disprove Grandpa's theory, and they're all losers, and Lisa is convinced that she is doomed. But then the female relatives all turn out to be doctors, architects, school lab technicians etc. Finally Lisa's female Simpsons relatives reveal to her that the dumbness gene is carried on the "Y" chromosome :thumbup:

Big laughs, and a bit of fun after the kids have learned enough theory to get the jokes.

Cheers, K 8-)

Re: genetics DVD

Posted: 24 Aug 2007, 12:25
by Ocean Breeze
We use GENETICS videos. They come in a Vol I,II & III.
Presentation is a bit drawn out & boring, but the graphics and content are good.
We bought ours from:

Training Health & Educational Media Pty Ltd
PO Box 2131, Bendigo DC
VIC 3554

Phone (03) 5441 7673
FAX (03) 5441 7655

Not sure if this is current info. We have had them a couple of yrs, and are used every year with senior Bio , as well as juniors genetics topic. They are a core resource for us.

I think they have a 14 day preview/refund policy, which can help you decide. :coffee:

Re: genetics DVD

Posted: 24 Aug 2007, 14:20
by RosalieM
That Simpsons episode sounds great! Where can you get it?

Re: genetics DVD

Posted: 24 Aug 2007, 15:13
by debh
Thanks re the simpsons episode. Apparently it was on our station last night. Why didn't I read this before?

Re: genetics DVD

Posted: 27 Aug 2007, 10:35
by dolphinscales
Do a search on the simpson site/s and from there yoou sould be able to find out the episode and then trundle down to your local kmart, sanity or target or where ever and buy yourself a copy.

Re: genetics DVD

Posted: 27 Aug 2007, 11:11
by smiley
The episode is called "Lisa the Simpson" and its from season 9.

Cheers, K 8-)

Re: genetics DVD

Posted: 27 Aug 2007, 11:31
by dolphinscales
Now did you look that up or did you know it????

Re: genetics DVD

Posted: 28 Aug 2007, 10:41
by smiley
I could lie and say what I frequently tell the students in this school - especially when they're busted phone texting under the desk - which is that I know everything! However, it never looks good as the representative of a catholic school to be putting lies into print, so to speak. 8O SO, yes, I looked it up! I did, however, know what I was looking for, which helped.

Cheers, K 8-)

Re: genetics DVD

Posted: 04 Sep 2007, 09:02
by RosalieM
Hi All! The Simpsons series sets are on sale at K-Mart at the moment for $29.99 for anyone who is interested. I got one yesterday so the teachers can have a look (they are doing genetics right now!) and if no-one wants to use it I guess I'll just sell it on e-bay!

Re: genetics DVD

Posted: 27 Aug 2008, 12:04
by estelle
I have been asked by the learning support unit for some info on genetics/dna models.
I have searched this site because someone ages ago put a link to one of the hospitals that had learning units about genetics that was easy to follow.
I can't find it anywhere, so "HELP" can anyone remember what it might have been.

Re: genetics DVD

Posted: 27 Aug 2008, 14:08
by smiley
Estelle, what "info" do they want? There's a million things out there in internet land, but what age level/academic level does a Learning Support Unit want. We bought a great book from Scholastic that covers lots of the topics in easy-to-understand but intelligent form. Is that what they're after?

Re: genetics DVD

Posted: 27 Aug 2008, 14:36
by RosalieM
I think I remember that hospital one and it was to do with extracting DNA from onions and split peas. Have a search for that and there might be some links from that page to others.

Re: genetics DVD

Posted: 27 Aug 2008, 15:18
by lizzieb

Re: genetics DVD

Posted: 27 Aug 2008, 15:28
by labman
This is one I got off of this site. I don't know if it is the one you're after, but it is a good one to have anyway. ... /index.cfm

Re: genetics DVD

Posted: 28 Aug 2008, 09:33
by smiley
On the deals direct site (one of my favourites) you can buy the CSI DNA Laboratory for about $25.00. It gives you some really cute equipment, and all the recipes for DNA extraction. It's really great for smaller classes.

Re: genetics DVD

Posted: 28 Aug 2008, 09:40
by Ocker
I think I was insulted by this post
Thanks Barb for taking seriously
Have to worry about collegues who even watch "Simpsons"

Re: genetics DVD

Posted: 28 Aug 2008, 10:26
by smiley
And here I was thinking you had a sense of humour?!

Re: genetics DVD

Posted: 28 Aug 2008, 10:47
by rodannt

Re: genetics DVD

Posted: 28 Aug 2008, 13:34
by Ocker
I think You people are SEXIST!
Picking on us blokes just because we are a minority, this would also be bullying