Young's Double slit Apparatus

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Young's Double slit Apparatus

Post by labman »

Hi All,
I am wondering if anyone has purchased, or knows any suppliers of, a Young's Double slit Apparatus. We would like to buy one, but our main supplier here in S.A, says he has not been able to source any for many years. Any leads appreciated.
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Re: Young's Double slit Apparatus

Post by Trudy »

Hi Lisa

Serrata here in NSW have something that sounds like what you need. About $45. Just google their website.

Regards Trudy
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Re: Young's Double slit Apparatus

Post by Ian »

What Serrata sells for $45, is a double slit, with 1mm spacing mounted in an ordinary 35mm photographic slide. You will also need a light source. I have found that an ordinary "Key chain" laser or laser pointer works very well and is cheeper than $500 odd for a bench mounted laser. Just make sure that your laser pointer is less than 1 or 2 mWatts!!

$45 sounds a lot for a single 35mm slide. Has anybody ever attempted to make one themselves? I would think that it should not be too hard to simply photograph a couple of black lines drawn on white paper. The negative would then be the double slit. Surely it would be possible to calculate the magnification factor between a 35mm neg and a piece of paper the same shape to calculate how far apart to draw the lines. You could of course use the diffraction fringes to accurately measure the slit gap.

Perhaps, if you had a steady enough hand, a sharp enough scriber (new scalpel blade?) and a good magnifying glass, you could simply scribe two lines on a piece of exposed film, say the black bit at the end of developed roll?

Anybody had any sucess doing something similar?

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Re: Young's Double slit Apparatus

Post by worktofish »

To make a double slit easily hold a glass slide over a candle until the slide goes black with soot.

Hold two scalpel blades side by side and run across the slide. This will give you the a double line the width of a scalpel blade apart. Will work with backed razor blades as well. You can then easily determine the width of the two slits by measuring the spaces between the dots on a screen.
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