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rising and sinking sultanas

Posted: 24 Oct 2007, 12:07
by Ocean Breeze
Can anyone help with this demo. Its the one where sultanas rise and fall due to attached air bubbles. I have looked on the internet, and tried using Alka-Seltzer, also baking powder and vinegar. One lone sultana out of 6 was obliging, the rest refused to budge. I also tried muscats and currants. No better. #-o

Are there any variations on this theme that would be good for a demo?

Re: rising and sinking sultanas

Posted: 24 Oct 2007, 12:35
by Trudy
We have a very old one "dancing mothballs" which uses baking soda and vinegar. Not sure if its suitable any more, may be alright as a demo? (Naphthalene ok for years 11 and 12)

Regards Trudy

Re: rising and sinking sultanas

Posted: 24 Oct 2007, 12:38
by rp
Hi Barbara
my head of science said to use soda water or any fizzy drink with bubbles

Re: rising and sinking sultanas

Posted: 24 Oct 2007, 13:23
by Ian
We do that one every year as an observation exercise in a Year 7 Prac test. Some years it works brilliantly, (like this year!) some years it is a flop (like last year!)

The instructions we give the kids are as follows

1. Fill a beaker with water to the 150mL mark
2. Stir in one heaped teaspoon of Bi-Carb Soda until dissolved
3. Add three sultanas to the beaker. Make sure they are sitting on the bottom. (Poke if necessary!)
4. Measure 20 Mls of vinegar in a measuring cylindar and add to beaker
5. Draw a labled diagram to illistrate what happens
6. Describe what happens in the beaker.

You probably do not need point 5 and 6.

This year, those little 'tanas just kept bobbing up and down for hours after we finished the test! Last year? Not so!


Re: rising and sinking sultanas

Posted: 25 Oct 2007, 08:54
by Ocean Breeze
Thanks guys.... it must be one of those "years" for me then. Yesterday, they all sat on the bottom. I came in this morning and they are all plumped up and staying at the top. Are they useless once theyve swelled up? :-(

Re: rising and sinking sultanas

Posted: 25 Oct 2007, 09:35
by Ian
Do you like Boiled Fruit cake? Maybe you could make a cake for Richards dog.


Re: rising and sinking sultanas

Posted: 25 Oct 2007, 10:28
by Ocean Breeze
Ian What a card! :cheesy:
I'm at the stage where I am getting frustrated with sultanas!, and that sounds ODD to me

Re: rising and sinking sultanas

Posted: 25 Oct 2007, 10:48
by Ocean Breeze
OK supporters.....
I set up another with fizzy lemonade. One little sultana is knocking himself out =D> (other 2 refusing to budge). So I will go with that little fella. Hope it still doing it when the class comes in !?

Re: rising and sinking sultanas

Posted: 31 Oct 2007, 11:53
by Ocean Breeze
Just some feedback.... we ditched the sultanas in the end.
We had great results with a small tank filled with lemonade, and a handful of dried corn kernels!
Thanks for all those ideas! :-)