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Lipstick recipe

Posted: 21 Nov 2007, 05:15
by Polyester2
Hi everyone
Can anyone post an easy, not to much hassle recipe for Lipstick.
I have a few different recipes but a little too many ingrediences.

Re: Lipstick recipe

Posted: 21 Nov 2007, 07:22
by Labbie
Hi Gayle, Nice to see you again last week, although the wrong week but never mind.

I have Lip Balm, it may help
1 Tablespoon Bee's Wax
1 Tablespoon Shea Butter
1-1/2 Tablespoons Avocado Oil (Health food stores)
1/4 teaspoon Mint flavouring
This lip balm is delightfully cold on the lips, very refreshing!
Melt Bee's wax on the stove. Take off the heat, mix in shea butter & avocado oil. Mix well, then mix in the Soap Glacier Mint flavoring. Pour into 7 Lip balm tubes. For easier pouring, use a rubber band to hold all the tubes together. Then they stand upright easily. Use a soap dropper cap to fill them. Keep filling until they are a little overfilled. This gives each lip balm a rounded top and not a sunken in one. After a couple of hours they will be cool, put on caps and clean up to label. They are ready to use!.
Taken from Closet Chemistry, giving out at a St Marys conference, ( can not think which year)

Re: Lipstick recipe

Posted: 21 Nov 2007, 07:24
by Labbie
For all people wishing to get a copy of Closet chemistry. Lotions & Potions.

Please let me have your fax numbers by Midday TODAY, off to St Marys tomorrow and Friday.

Thank you

Re: Lipstick recipe

Posted: 21 Nov 2007, 07:30
by Slartibartfast
Thanks Sue! If we could have a copy sent to us on (02) 4392 5046 it would be most appreciated!!

Re: Lipstick recipe

Posted: 21 Nov 2007, 07:37
by Loopy
Me too please Sue! Fax No: 02 6922 5659 ATTN: Louise. You're a gem!
Lou P.

Re: Lipstick recipe

Posted: 21 Nov 2007, 07:51
by Polyester2
I would love the Lotions & potions leaflet.
fax 0246255986

Re: Lipstick recipe

Posted: 21 Nov 2007, 08:19
by lizzieb
Could I please have one, too, Sue?

Fax: 6762 1264

Many thanks & see you at the conference!

Re: Lipstick recipe

Posted: 21 Nov 2007, 08:24
by Kathy K
Dear Sue,
Could I have one too . Fax no is 94895722 . .Have a great time at the conference .

Many thanks

Kathy Kunz

Re: Lipstick recipe

Posted: 21 Nov 2007, 08:29
by Voice
Fantastic Sue,
Could I please have a copy of your recipes.
Maree (03) 93159031

Re: Lipstick recipe

Posted: 21 Nov 2007, 08:45
by Labbie
I have done a very simple note as a header.

To the school Admin officer in Science for the Closet chemistry booklet.

Please let you fax ladies know, Thank you so much

Re: Lipstick recipe

Posted: 21 Nov 2007, 09:25
by Ocean Breeze
Yes please Sue
If its not too much trouble

My fax is 49 676658
Thanks! :-)

Re: Lipstick recipe

Posted: 21 Nov 2007, 09:36
by Jen1
Would love a copy too please sue,
fax number: 08 9535 9730
Jenny Wellstead

Re: Lipstick recipe

Posted: 21 Nov 2007, 09:37
by JudyM
Could I please have a copy as well.

My fax # is: (02) 6772 5697

Thanks Sue, much appreciated.

Re: Lipstick recipe

Posted: 21 Nov 2007, 09:57
by Mother
Hi Sue
Would love a copy
Fax No. 6882 4332


Re: Lipstick recipe

Posted: 21 Nov 2007, 10:00
by labman
Count me in too, please.
Fax no. (08)81392138
Many thanks,

Re: Lipstick recipe

Posted: 21 Nov 2007, 10:01
by Wato
Hi Sue,

I love a copy as well fax No (02) 63824585

Thanks Donna

Re: Lipstick recipe

Posted: 21 Nov 2007, 10:04
by fibreweb
Hi Sue,

I'd love a copy of that fax also if I may.




Re: Lipstick recipe

Posted: 21 Nov 2007, 10:25
by Ian
Count me in too, thanks Sue. (02) 4629 6291

We need to set up some kind of "Bulletin Board" or "Files" section where these things could be posted so that once posted, we could help ourselves! (or would there be copyright issues with that?) I know that the "Yahoo Groups" forums have the option of a "Files" section


Re: Lipstick recipe

Posted: 21 Nov 2007, 10:35
by lizzieb
Wasn't there talk of a separate site for experiments, etc. to be set up earlier this year?

Would be great to have somewhere to pots and/or access them ourselves, and save all the faxing. Thank you all you wonderful willing people!

Re: Lipstick recipe

Posted: 21 Nov 2007, 10:53
by Polyester2
Hi all
Thanks for your help
