RiskAssess software

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Krysia Lee
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RiskAssess software

Post by Krysia Lee »

Hi Everybody
Does anyone out there use the software for risk assessments in Science by Phillip Crisp. If you do how do you like it? When we were accredited they said that we have to include a risk rating on our risk assessments, the sample on the risk assess website doesn't look like it does? Does everyone else include risk ratings? Thanks for any help. Krysia
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Re: RiskAssess software

Post by Rowyrow »

Yes we have a risk rating X=Extream, H =high risk, M=Medium risk, L=Low risk is that what you mean?
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Re: RiskAssess software

Post by Krysia Lee »

Yeah thats it. I really want to get this risk assess software. Its sounds great. Do you use it? Krysia
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Re: RiskAssess software

Post by RosalieM »

I'm not sure about 'risk rating' but we got this program about 2 weeks ago and I AM IN LOVE!! Sooooo much easier for me and eventually the teachers. We are up for registration next year so I hope it passes! Up until now our teachers haven't really done any formalised risk assessments... despite my best efforts to do so! I like that I can look up the pracs that are all scheduled in for today, tomorrow, the whole week or next 4 weeks (so far we have hardly got past the next day!). It also means that when someone says "you know that prac Jill did with such and such on tuesday - can I do it on Friday" I can go to the prac, add the date, and there it is booked in ready to go. The same will be for next year when different teachers want the pracs. Once they are written (typed) up and saved, you can access them. So when they want "Coating nails" from whatever text book, they just look up the name of the experiment, open it, add the room, period and date and click save. They don't have to do much more than that - so much better than having to photocopy it and give it to me, or write a list of equipment etc on my order form every year. I am sure you could email them via the 'contact us' to find out specifically about the 'risk rating' though. Perhaps it is a feature they could add to whatever already exists.
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Re: RiskAssess software

Post by Rowyrow »

nope don't have it we just have an order from with a risk assesment on the back not as technologically advanced as some :?
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Re: RiskAssess software

Post by Lis »

I am the same as you Roaslie, we have had it for 2 yrs, love it, so easy. We had our inspection last year and it was one thing the inspectors were very impressed with. Krysia, it is really easy to use, I do all the RA's, cos we couldnt find a workable system for the teachers to do them themselves, they still need to read them & sign them. If you want more info, PM, I am happy to share.
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Re: RiskAssess software

Post by jodye »

I use the risk assess software too. I am in my 2nd year of using it. Like Lis, I do most of the RA's. It is really easy to use.
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Re: RiskAssess software

Post by cecmel »

Been using it for about two terms now - much better than our home grown system I was trying and not succeeding to get the teachers to use previously. Teachers do the RA, and it gets emailed to me. I check it and change any errors eg listing iodine as a solid rather than iodine solution in the "chemicals to be used" section. Teachers seem happy using it. Some of them have obviously read the potential hazards section of items they list, as in the "other" section [where you have to do you own RA on stuff the program doesn't provide an assessment for], they often put "could be thrown/used as a weapon". And one teacher who lists for flowers "Do not eat". :thumbup: :thumbup: Two thumbs up from me!
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Re: RiskAssess software

Post by cecmel »

After my previous post, I just had to share - this came in today in the top Yr 10s Inertia prac RA
- Glass bottle (broken glass can cut)
- Pencil (stabbing implement)
- Heavy book (can be thrown)
- Coin (Do not swallow)
- Magazines (Paper cuts are possible, ensure content is age appropriate)
- Weights (can be thrown)
- Playing card (paper cuts can be a issue)

OK, so control measures aren't listed, but at least she's thinking risks, and I love the age appropriate one. One of my bestest teachers, with a sense of humour!
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Re: RiskAssess software

Post by Kathryn »

We have just started using the Risk Assess site so are still getting used to it. It is certainly an easy way to RA's but still have to get the teachers to actually look and sign them. It will be very useful when they get into the habit of doing it before the lesson so i can look up what is required of me. We just had our school review last week and they were quite happy with the processes that we are putting in place - there was no mention of having to grade risks.
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Re: RiskAssess software

Post by SGG »

Hi everyone
We have had Risk Assess access for 2 years too. It is easy to use - so easy I have to stop myself using it for the teachers! I've been told that they are the ones in the classroom so they have to do it.
One thing with Risk Assess, I couldn't find Copper Sulfate listed in it anywhere despite it being used so much. I tried to email Phillip Crisp to ask but have had no reply. Has anyone found a listing for Copper Sulfate? :unsure:
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Re: RiskAssess software

Post by RosalieM »

I just had a look. Type in 'copper su' (I did that in case it spells it sulphate) and it comes up. You can select either copper sulfate pentahydrate (the most common one we use - it's the blue one with water molecules attached to the CuS04 crystals, even though it isn't 'wet') or Copper sulfate anhydrous (the white one with all the water taken out).
Hope this helps
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Re: RiskAssess software

Post by SGG »

Thanks Rosalie
I didn't think of that! :? I typed in Copper Sulphate and Sulfate but you have to be so exact sometimes. Your way gets round any problems. Must try that on the other chemicals that don't come up...... :D You've made my day and I take back anything bad I thought about Risk Assess.
Thanks again
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Re: RiskAssess software

Post by vlclabbie »

Does anyone have trouble with teachers not actually reading through the risks & controls or even actually use the eliminate/substitute thingy...?

I know it would be easier using this program but our school neither has the money & I wonder if it makes the teachers lazy or take the whole process for granted?. I have a checklist in each hazard area that the teachers have to go down & tick off & then comment more on later if needed.

Sorry to be a downer on the program - obviously it would be fabulous especially if the teachers do it properly!
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Re: RiskAssess software

Post by Krysia Lee »

Thanks to you all.
My HOD has just told me to go ahead and get risk assess. She did this based on your glowing reviews. I'm excited so thanks again
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Re: RiskAssess software

Post by RosalieM »

I like the inventory feature!!!
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Re: RiskAssess software

Post by Whspa »

We've just signed up for the 2 week trial advertised here. One of my teachers wrote up a prac for 'splitting atoms'. He ordered a heat mat, a bucket of steam, a nail, a hammer and uranium. :w00t: The risk assesment generated said that it was a teacher only prac, but the teachers could be code 1,2,5. We were hoping it would be red flagged in some way. And we're hoping this system will prove to the Boss that English and 'Generalist' trained teachers can't handle the pracs required, because they're User Code 5, but it doesn't look like it will. The English teacher we have in science orders pracs but doesn't actually do them - but the class knows how to spell the names of the equipment and the Generalist teacher, who has years 7,8 and 9 thinks he can do anything. He literally blew himself across the lab with the Van de Graaf generator. 8-[
We think science teachers should be science trained, but the Boss seems to think they should be young and 'pretty' !!!
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Re: RiskAssess software

Post by dime »

Yeah, know what you mean. Our boss here is exactly the same. Won't ever ask me for my opinion, or my side of a story, cause I'm old. Mind you he's no chicken either, or oil painting, but hasn't stopped him getting rid of nearly all the older teachers and replacing them with newly trained, inexperienced kids. Only one good thing has happened is that he is going to district office for at least 12 months, with possible extension to 24 months. The cheering was heard 50 kms away, till he named his replacement. Oh well.
Re non science teachers doing pracs, they are not allowed to unless they do a risk assessment before each prac and lodge it with the head teacher. NSW Govt schools of course. It says it somewhere in CSIS and was reinforced at a science assistants development day by Ric Morante from the department.
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Re: RiskAssess software

Post by Labbie »

Yes, Rick said it has something to do with the insurance. So no casuals teachers do prac at our school. We do not give the option of a RA, just no. Lucky we only have casuals if some one is away or on LSL.
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Re: RiskAssess software

Post by fiona »

vlclabbie wrote:Does anyone have trouble with teachers not actually reading through the risks & controls or even actually use the eliminate/substitute thingy...?
I do all my risk assessing the old fashioned way for no other reason than I have not heard of this program. (Poor isolated victorian). But I still have the same problem as you, vlclabbie. I had a teacher tell me the other day that he had not signed the risk assessment sheet because he hadn't finished the experiment yet. I might be strict because I'm fresh out of uni and I expect teachers to adhere to similar protocols I had to but shouldn't the RA be signed BEFORE starting the experiment so you understand the risks?
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