Phloroglucinol HELP

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Phloroglucinol HELP

Post by merilyn »

Hi All

Yes, it's that time of year again (Iknow I've been doing this job for a full year now when things come back to bite me).

Biology teacher has asked for phloroglucinol 1% solution (it is now I remember not being able to find the powder last year and forgetting all about it until now). In "The Laboratory" it says to "prepare solution several weeks before being used" and then to add conc HCl to the solution. Should I be adding the HCl several weeks after preparing the solution? Is this the method that most people use? Seems better than giving the students the conc HCl 8O
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Re: Phloroglucinol HELP

Post by rae »

Hi Merilyn,

In the past when I have made it up I added the HCl at the same time. The other thing is, if you are pressed for time a couple of days is all you need. I have made it up on the day it is needed and it has worked. It also lasts. I haven't made up any fresh this year, just used it from last year, and it work fine!!

Hope this helps.

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Re: Phloroglucinol HELP

Post by merilyn »

Thanks, Lorrae. It's always good to get other people's thoughts and ideas. I didn't get to it today, but it's not needed to after lunch tomorrow. I'll give them the fresh batch but the teacher did say she'd use it when it was ready. So if it isn't any good tomorrow they can try it out later.

And...I'll keep it for next year!

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Re: Phloroglucinol HELP

Post by noona »

I made this up Monday for Tuesday and it worked great we use it on matches and then add a few drops of 70% HCl and it turnes the match a nice maroon
Works every time
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