Airconditioning labs

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Airconditioning labs

Post by gotolady »

I know everyone is suffering from Mother Natures sick joke of continuing summer but our labs are like saunas and I was wondering if anyone had any ideas of how to convince the powers that be that we need to cool down the labs. I have actually held very long drawn out conversations in these hell holes with the senior executive to no avail. They race off to their airconditioned offices and try to convince me that regulations won't allow airconditioners in labs. I am not sure of any legislation etc but would love any clarification so I can fight for the students and staff that suffer dreadfully. I am waiting for someone to faint and hurt themselves before something will be seen to be done.
Sorry for the rant but I know you all understand how frustrating it is to bash your head against the brick wall.
Thanks in advance
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Re: Airconditioning labs

Post by karend »

We have had air conditioning in our 6 labs & one Prep room for about 6 years. Couldn't survive without it, 'specially this last week! How have you coped?!!
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Re: Airconditioning labs

Post by rae »

I can't help other than to say I feel your pain. My prep room gets to 33 on the awful days. Maybe you could put thermometers in the labs and keep a record of the temperatures they get to?
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Re: Airconditioning labs

Post by Narelle01 »

Its been over 30 degrees in the prep room all week, every time I ask for air conditioning I get laughed at.
What's so funny?

EVERY other staff member has access to an air con area, even if its not a classroom, the library, kitchen prep, office, print room all sass areas have air con. Staff and common room have air con, even the uniform shop now has a portable unit in it.
To be quite frank, I am sick of going home looking like I have done a work out / marathon.
And looking at the forecast, doesn't look like it is getting any cooler any time soon.
I'm going to ask again, in an email and CC all the powers that be, and mention work conditions. OH&S etc
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Re: Airconditioning labs

Post by Lyn »

That's a load of rubbish saying regulations won't allow air conditioners in science labs. They just don't want to spend the money. Back in the 80's we only had fans and open windows and when the bunsens were on the fans were off. It was hell during the buildup with high temperatures and high humidity. HOD rocked into the staffroom one morning after two periods of bunsens going flat chat and no fans. Her blouse was dripping along with her skin and hair and skirt. She looked like she had stood under a shower. It was a morning tea and the principal was present. It took a little while but the labs in the junior school were eventually air conditioned. The prep rooms however were left off. Not a problem because I left the doors open to both labs so I could enjoy the cool even when there were no classes on. I was told that I couldn't do that, but that was their problem not mine. They eventually saw reason and put air conditioning in both prep rooms. It was definitely cheaper than running 4 large air conditioners to cool down two small rooms.
Push the working conditions and possible OH&S issues as well as health issues. The most important issue however is the conditions that the students are expected to perform under. A cool environment is more conducive to learning. Are parents involved in the school/schools, fundraising, making waves etc. Shuffling their kids to other schools which see the point in giving their students improved environments to learn in. The teachers also need to start pushing for better working conditions in the science labs if they have no air conditioning.
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Re: Airconditioning labs

Post by Merilyn1 »

We have no air conditioning here, either. We are in the middle of an industrial area, so the temperatures here are much higher than reported by the BOM. My prep room has been 30 + deg during this hot spell, but to add insult to injury, the humidity has been over 65%. The teachers come in here after being in the labs and comment how cool it is! Then they run off to the air conditioned staff room.
In winter, I was coming into 13 deg and expected to handle chemicals! I was eventually given a second heater with a timer on it so it comes on long before I come in.
Of course, the office is air conditioned and the people making the decisions are working there. I'm tired of the comments that schools weren't air conditioned in the past. Yeah, but back then, buildings were designed differently.

I can see no reason whatsoever to not air condition the labs. I'm sure commercial labs are air conditioned. There's a greater risk without air conditioning.
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Re: Airconditioning labs

Post by sunray18 »

Think about chemicals! What temperature are they to be kept at?
When I worked in industry the ONLY reason we got air-conditioning was to keep the electronic balances at a set temperature! Then they realised the chemicals needed to be kept under 30 degrees.. so THAT is why they air conditioned the labs.
NEVER for the comfort of the people..
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Re: Airconditioning labs

Post by melsid »

Feeling for you! We have evap cooling in our labs & most of the time it's great. However, when we have a run of humid weather (about 2 weeks a year), the evap struggles & can't cope...isn't it autumn yet?!?!? :oops: And to top it off, one of our coolers has sprung a leak. :cry2:
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Re: Airconditioning labs

Post by MissKat »

I haven't heard about these regulations.... since we have air con in the labs in the new building. Although we've had our share of issues with it turning on to the heat setting instead of cooling.

In the old labs, the rooms had some sort of air con but not the prep rooms. I did the same as Lyn, opening the doors adjacent to the rooms so I could get some cool air haha. I feel for my friend in Food Tech, she doesn't have any cooling!

I hope you can get those on board to give you air con!
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Re: Airconditioning labs

Post by jodye »

I am going through this exact same thing. According to WHS regulations, you have to take a lot of things, not just air temperature, into account.
They have a distinction between heat discomfort and heat illness risks. Things like, humidity, radiant heat, heat sources, staff health, type of clothing worn and how physical the job is.
I definately believe the heat causes hazards in our work! For example, if its too hot and uncomfortable, mistakes can be made. PPE may not be worn, safety goggles slide down our noses or steam up, hands get slippery with gloves on. These can lead to accidents.
I have taken it upon myself to perform a risk assessment of my prep room to ascertain any hazards.

Refer to the safe work australia website. The code of practice to look for is Managing work environment and facilities.
I would hate to think that it would take a serious accident to happen before we were given air con!! Especially considering the ladies in our admin office not only have ducted air con but also most have wall units in case they don't like the temp that the ducted is set to! :redcard:
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Re: Airconditioning labs

Post by curie »

Our labs aren't airconditioned but at least they have ceiling fans. The prep room doesn't
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Re: Airconditioning labs

Post by Jennag »

Oh I feel for you all without air-conditioning! it seems crazy that in this day and age you don't have any and the weather here has been consistently hot. All my labs and prep rooms have A/C. I think every room in the school does. Id push the chemicals getting too hot opinion and see what they say
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Re: Airconditioning labs

Post by jodye »

Does anyone know off hand what chemicals are meant to be kept at what temperatures? Other than going through all the SDSs,where could I find a list?
It will help me with my heat risk assessment.

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