Facts about SDS

MSDSs, Storage, Handling, Transport, Labeling, computer management systems, and anything else to do with safety.
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Facts about SDS

Post by lab-woman »

Hi Everyone,
Does anyone know for sure if you MUST print out SDS for every chemical in every faculty within the school. I remember reading somewhere (and cannot remember where) that as long as we had access to SDS on line then that is good enough. Is that true? Or is it a RULE thru DEC that we must have a hard copy printed for every chemical in every staffroom???

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Re: Facts about SDS

Post by Merilyn1 »

You are correct - the law states that all employees using a hazardous chemical must have access to the current SDS. How your employer defines "access" varies. An electronic copy is fine as long as it is always accessible - what happens in the event of a black out, computer failure, internet shut down etc? I keep a hard copy in the relevant area, a master set in the front office and I have also started an electronic file (I'm downloading the documents anyway, so it is one more step to save them to a particular folder). I don't work in a DET school, so also check what their expectations are.
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Re: Facts about SDS

Post by jobee71 »

I haven't seen anything formally in the DEC about not having to print SDS. I have heard the same as you though that since 'everyone' has easy access to a computer now then it is not as necessary to have a printed version.

I'm planning on making sure the mini SDS's easily accessible until we get notified one way or the other.
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Re: Facts about SDS

Post by lab-woman »

ok thanks guys...will just print out mini sds.
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