SDS for Food Tech?

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SDS for Food Tech?

Post by Matt_Coffs »

Hi everyone,

Apologies if this has come up before but I couldn't find it.....

The food tech assistant at my school has asked if she needs SDS for all her cooking ingredients, sauces, yeast etc. I'm assuming no because they're non hazardous substances that are being used for their intended purpose.

I know a few of you work in the food tech area as well as Science so any thoughts would be appreciated.

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Re: SDS for Food Tech?

Post by Merilyn1 »

No, definitely don't need to add these items. The chemical register is only for hazardous chemicals. Although I do use it as my stocktake in Science so I include my non-hazardous chemicals also.
Exceptions are consumer products: something that you purchase from the supermarket, in small quantities, that is being used in accordance with the label. So for your Food Tech person (and anyone else) if they bought, say a can of spray oil (a hazardous product) from the supermarket, it does not need to be included on the register. If, however, they purchased a carton of spray oil from a supplier it does need to be included. The thing to keep in mind, the product must be used in accordance with the label. If students will be using the product, they may be using it "differently". If it is something that only staff used, and it is purchased in small quantities, it doesn't need to be included. Look on Safework NSW's website for information on this.
The other exceptions are pharmaceuticals, so panadol, nurofen, kept in sick bay does not need to be included.
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Re: SDS for Food Tech?

Post by J »

I have printed off a couple of SDSs for our FT assistant. I can't remember what for - most likely laundry products like bleach or some such. You've just reminded me about them - they're probably out of date now. :redcard: I'd better check.
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