Data Loggers & Probes

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Data Loggers & Probes

Post by Slartibartfast »

G'day all!
We are in the process of purchasing new Data Loggers and have narrowed the choice down to either Data Harvest (through Q stores or Serrata) and Vernier. What I would like to know is if any of you chose one or the other and possibly why, through who and what probes you keep. Our HT has an open mind to either option at the moment as do I but would value your input as it's a big outlay! Thankfully they are replacing our ancient steam powered Logit 1000's that predate Cook landing! :drunk:
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Re: Data Loggers & Probes

Post by Sassi »


First of all thanks for your helpful tips on the agar plate yesterday am just about to start them!

We have had data harvest, easy sense for quite some time now and they are generally quite good, as you can use many different probes at once (we have ph, temp, heat rate light, oxygen etc). However, for some reason everytime the teachers use them something happens, like they cant remeber how to use the program or they use the easy sense without the computer and then they manage to delete the data before they plug it into the computer to do graphs #-o etc...I dont understand what they do, to me its so straight forward, but they ALWAYS mess things up.

So for this reason I looked in to getting an easier option. So recently we purchased a vernier golink and temp probe from haines to see whether or not this was any easier to use. And it seems like it is. You plug in the inteface (and connect the probe) into the computer then open up the program which goes with it and then you are ready to go. It also comes with very easy instruction on how to use the different functions in the program, so easy even my teachers have been able to use it. Problem is, you can only use one probe at a time, so no multiple variables :-(

Good luck making you decision!

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Re: Data Loggers & Probes

Post by Slartibartfast »

Thanks Sassi! That's just the sort of answer I was after. I'll pass on your comments to the HT. Let me know how your agar plates turn out!
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Re: Data Loggers & Probes

Post by RosalieM »

We looked into the Vernier LabQuest which looked fantastic. I don't remember how many probes can be plugged in at one time though. It can be used without a computer and taken out into the field. We ended up going with the Pasco GLX Xplorer because our old one was a Pasco and we didn't need to get new probes.
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Re: Data Loggers & Probes

Post by lada »

Hi, we have had ours for 8 years .We selected Data harvest, as this was the best option then. Must agree with Sassi, the teacher that uses them all the time has no problems but a few of the others always want me to help out. It is easy to use with or without computer. One technical support at Serratacannot think of his name) is always very helpful.
Good luck \:D/ \:D/
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Re: Data Loggers & Probes

Post by dime »

We have had the Easysense for a long time but they seem difficult to use for some, and we have had internal battery problems. We also have the Pasco Xplorer (for a number of years) with various probes, and it always used by everyone, and is much preferred. Very simple and reliable (2 AA batteries). So if I were just getting into dataloggers, I would definitely get the Pasco, and give the Dataharvest Easysense a miss.
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Re: Data Loggers & Probes

Post by Labbie »

WE have Data harvest, from Serrata and Bernie comes out to show the teachers different items etc, and also what is new. We have had them for about 2 years now, and not problems, as yet.
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Re: Data Loggers & Probes

Post by sunray18 »

We have had Data Harvest for over 5 years now and have very little trouble with them except for Internal batteries and we have had no luck getting the O2 sensor to give sensible results.. apart from that we have found that being able to use many sensors at the same time is brilliant. We take them out on excursions to Rock Platform and to Bush and wetlands...
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Re: Data Loggers & Probes

Post by rae »


For those who use Data Harvest do you connect to a lap top or PC in the lab for experiments and do you have trouble with communication at times??

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Re: Data Loggers & Probes

Post by Rita »

We have Data Harvest here. We are only now starting to have battery problems. Expensive to replace!
We looked into buying new data loggers at the end of last year. Instead of buying another brand or a the latest version we decided to buy the same again (at an end-of-line price from Serrata) and dealing with replacing batteries as the time is right. This then increased the number we had. There is very little difference to between the old and new versions. (New version has a bigger screen).
Good luck
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Re: Data Loggers & Probes

Post by cactus155 »

Don't have any data loggers hear, except for some old thing that looks like it comes from the Ark called an EI Enviromental Data Probe that has batteries that had had to be modified so that a 9V battery fitted into the cardboard case of what was a 9V transistor battery which was an Eveready Battery that was made in Australia (Shows you the age of the item, as nothing like that would be made in Australia now. So its no use me commenting on types of data loggers and probes
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Re: Data Loggers & Probes

Post by Slartibartfast »

Ha! Thanks Andrew! All comments greatfully received. And I thought ours were ancient. :wink2: We're leaning towards Data Harvest at this time for the ability to use multiple probes all at once.

As I've read in your posts so many teachers are reluctant to go near them and if they do, they need us to explain the use of them also! We probably have 2 out of 8 that are competent and confident in their use! Can anyone better that?
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Re: Data Loggers & Probes

Post by Ian »

Here I go, catching up on old conversations again.
We have had Data Harvest for many years. Thousands of dollars invested. They seem really good to me, but some of the teachers have trouble.

Main gripe is that Data Harvest NO LONGER SUPPORTS MAC COMPUTERS!!!!!!! (and have no plans to resume their Mac support. Therefore we have all this equipment and nothing to run it on!! (anybody want to do a deal?)

Consequently we have now committed to spent thousands of dollars on Vernier stuff. Vernier does seem even easier to use than DH. You can go for different levels of expertise. The Go Link is very easy beginner stuff, the Logger Pro is a bit more powerful We have just got the Lab Quest module (with 6 inputs) for "out in the field" stuff without the computer. (I have not played with that one yet). I gather that everything is pretty well compatible, ie, the probes used with Go Link are the same as the ones used with Logger Pro and Lab Quest, so it makes an easy progression from easy to more complicated

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Re: Data Loggers & Probes

Post by bernie »

We have go links here and you can use multiple probes by using multiple golinks pluged into the same computer.
We had Texas Instruments and venerier probes which the teacher always had trouble with, so they were seldom used except with senior science subjects. With the go links it is so easy that they get used all the time even in jrn science. The good thing is that all our vernier probes work on them. We also invested in go motion data links which are just as easy.

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