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Condolances to Theresa

Posted: 30 Sep 2008, 09:33
by fibreweb
I would just like to express my condolance to Theresa and the rest of the staff at Winthrop Baptist College following the loss of 2 of their staff members in Thailand.

My thoughts, and I imagine those of the whole Chemtalk family, are with you and you fellow staff at this time.


Re: Condolances to Theresa

Posted: 13 Oct 2008, 09:41
by Labbie
How awful, that is so very sad.

Re: Condolances to Theresa

Posted: 13 Oct 2008, 11:16
by Robb
Hi All,

My deepest regrets also...



Re: Condolances to Theresa

Posted: 13 Oct 2008, 13:22
by lizzieb
Thinking of you all too, Theresa, especially this first week back.

God Bless,

Re: Condolances to Teresa

Posted: 17 Oct 2008, 15:14
by Teresa
Thank you to all who have expressed kind thoughts and prayers for our college community.
It was certainly a freak accident that occurred in Thailand, when lightening struck out of the blue killing 5 people, including Dr Greg Crombie, who was Head of the SOSE department here at Winthrop Baptist College. A youth worker Thomas McGuinness and three Thai students were the others who died. The school has put various systems in place such as counselling to deal with the trauma of this tragic event.
The funerals for Greg and Thomas were held here during the school holidays and there was a very moving memorial service held this morning celebrating the contribution that Greg made to the college community.
Greg Crombie has left quite a legacy of a life committed to helping others and sharing the gospel and will be sorely missed.
It is indeed very touching how many schools throughout the nation who have expressed their care and concern.
Many thanks

Re: Condolances to Theresa

Posted: 20 Oct 2008, 08:06
by lizzieb
Thank you Teresa for giving us some background information. It must be a tremendous shock for the whole community. I have faith that their loss will bring lasting inspiration of service to those who knew them, and to the students of the future.

Blessings to you all,

Re: Condolances to Theresa

Posted: 20 Oct 2008, 09:30
by sunray18
Dear Theresa,
A death in the school community is so hard to bear.. my prayers are with you all.

Re: Condolances to Theresa

Posted: 23 Oct 2008, 13:47
by rosiegbh
It must have been very hard for you Theresa during this sad time. I hope you can be comforted by all of us in the chemtalk family. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
